The questions are asked about the world of virtual sports regarding the legitimacy of its results for a number of years. During that time, there has been nothing as far as conclusive evidence to show that virtual horse racing is fixed, but the questions surrounding this betting medium still continue to be asked. So, is virtual racing fixed?
How Are Virtual Racing Results Generated?
When you are watching this of any kind, what you are actually watching is a graphic displaying the result of a random number draw, performed before the race. The actual race itself is run based on the draw, with the winner of the race being the winning number from the draw.
To give the odds a realistic feel, the odds determine how many balls are placed into the pot for that number to be the winner. For example, if a selection is priced at 4/1, it will have more balls in the pot than the 20/1 shot, in theory giving it more chance of winning.
Can the Bookmakers Choose the Winner?
In short no, so betting on virtual horse racing is safe for you to continue, or even begin if you have never done it before. According to newbettingoffers.co.uk there are some great welcome bonuses available with bookmakers who accept bets, so if you are looking to get involved then these will give you a good start to life.
It isn’t just virtual horse racing on these sites either, many covers such sports as a whole with a horse, greyhound, and motor racing and football, all with the same principle behind them of a number draw based on the odds on offer. The bookmakers listed on this site offer some kind of platform that you can bet on, so you should have no trouble matching yourself up with a bookmaker that offers you the sports you want to bet on.
Will the Legitimacy Questions Ever Stop?
The answer to this is probably no. This product is not a real-life visible game that people can watch for themselves like they can with a real-life football match or horse race. As these products are not visible and offered by bookmakers, of course, questions will be asked and will continue to be asked in the future.
There has been concerns raised based around the number of favorites that win virtual races and whether this is something that the bookmakers are having a say on. However, it should be added here that on average, only 33% of horse racing favorites win real-life races and if this figure was worked out with no odds-on favorites then the number would be even smaller.
There are no odds-on favorites in virtual racing, so the number should be low, to be in line with what happens in real life, so whether there is any substance to these claims is questionable. To show this, you only need to look at the favorites stats for flat racing at Ascot, 33% of favorites have won non-handicap races over the past five years while 31% have won handicap races, showing the number above to be somewhere in line with what to expect.
Virtual racing is enjoyed by many gamblers, and there is no doubt that it will continue to be despite the fact that questions surrounding how the results are generated will continue to be asked.