The coronavirus pandemic has kept one-third of the world’s population at home. As the chances of IRL dating have reduced, more and more people have switched to virtual dating. This is a popular form of dating medium and has got a huge base of users. It isn’t like face-to-face meetings; it is about dating through a screen.
So, if you plan to use dating apps in lockdown, check this article. Here you will find some fantastic tips to stay safe and ace virtual dating.
Dress Like A Real Date
You need to dress just as if you are going on a real date. When you look good, you radiate confidence. Dress it in your favorite outfit. Style your hair and put on makeup. Get ready in the way you want others to perceive you.
Setup the Camera in the Right Position in Advance
Before the date starts, make sure that you have made all the necessary arrangements. Set up the camera at least one hour before the beginning of the date. It will prevent you from worrying about the angles. Keep it at the level of the eyes. To get to this level, you may even keep it on a pile of books.
Pay Attention To Lighting
Lighting is another crucial factor when you have planned a virtual date. Make good lighting arrangements for your call. Choose the place where you get adequate lighting.
If it is daytime, ensure that the place you choose has no window behind it; otherwise, the backlit can wash out your face. If it is night, invest in a good lamp to properly illuminate the place.
Choose the Right Topic
A majority of conversations that happen among people at this time are about the coronavirus pandemic. It can drain you on the mental and emotional levels. Remind yourself that you are on a virtual date. The conversation has to be different than your ordinary conversions with friends, family members, co-workers, etc.
Do not make the conversation boring. Do not waste this time. Instead, talk about something that helps you both learn about each other. Talk about the areas of interests, hobbies, likes, and dislikes. You can learn about their work and profession.
Accept Awkwardness
Talking to a stranger for the first time over a webcam can make you feel a little awkward and nervous. There is no escape from it. It is obvious to happen.
You should be ready for clumsy moments that you may encounter in day to day life. Some situations can lead to it, such as freezing the camera, being not audible, etc. Take it lightly and move on.
Set your Boundaries
Virtual dating may look easy, but it is not. You may come across situations where the other person may tempt you to cross your boundaries. You should always stick to your values, beliefs, and boundaries strictly when virtual dating any person.
Dating involves being vulnerable and accepting rejection too. By keeping boundaries, we convey a message to others about how we want others to treat us. Ensure that this new mode of dating should not change our age-old values.
Have Fun
The sole objective of virtual dating is to have fun. You can try several things such as playing games together, go for a drinking game, try video calling through nude cam sites like www.omnichat.com, etc.
Virtual dating is a way to learn someone slowly. So, be flirting and enjoy this time. If you both click, then there is a good chance that you can even take it to a serious level.
Stay Safe
Virtual dating can be fun, but it can also be risky for people who are using it for the first time. It is advised never to share personal details with someone over online dating. These details include your home address, work address, bank details, etc.
Do not trust anyone even when you have been talking for a long time. Some people can adopt any illegal ways to get your information and use your identity unethically. So, be very, very cautious when using this dating platform.
Become Aware of Suspicious Links
The use of phishing methods is common in online dating. In this case, a person sends a link that contains malware. It can steal all the data from your device and cause you a lot of harm. So, when you get a link from anyone, ask them about it directly before clicking it.
Check the structure of the link. Find out whether it looks spammy or from any reputable website. If your match has not been given any detailed information about it, then it is a suspicious link. Close the tab. If they send you links again, then make a complaint about them. Report any suspicious or inappropriate behavior than simply blocking them and moving on.
Use a Reliable Dating Platform
You must use only a popular and trusted video platform to conduct a virtual date. It assures you of protection and also ensures that the date executes smoothly without any technical difficulties. A few platforms enable users to turn off the screenshot feature to prevent the other person from using it to their advantage.
Show your Face only When They Show Theirs
Video dating has to be mutual communication. If you find that they are not showing you their face on the call, then take it as a warning indication. they may come up with any false excuse such as connectivity issues, etc. Consider hanging up.
End the Call Whenever you Want to
There is no obligation on any of the participants to stay on the call. If you find anything suspicious, end the call then and there. Instead of being polite and thinking of how it will look, protect yourself, and cancel the call immediately.
Social distancing will not last forever. However, it would not stop people from dating entirely. Virtual dating is a wonderful option to know how well you get along with someone.
So, if you want to see their face, then go for it and ask for a virtual date. Not just you, but they may also be super-thrilled to see your face. These are some of the tips that will help you have a great virtual date while staying safe.