Since 2024 is less than two months away, companies have started keeping their eyes on upcoming Instagram marketing strategies that they can easily implement in their companies. Instagram is one of the most popular and used social media platform and it has approximately 1 billion active users every month. Hence, companies have taken Instagram marketing quite serious and almost all companies have an account on the platform. If you are looking for business marketing strategies for 2024, you are reading the right article. In the text below, you will be able to find the best marketing strategies to implement in 2024. Let’s take a closer look:
Focus on Sharing Instagram Stories
Instagram did not always have the stories section, however, since 2018, it has been one of the primary ways that people share stuff on this platform. It is quite simple, people use stories as a way of connecting with the family and friends, while they use their feeds to post pictures and videos that are quite special to them. In business marketing, stories already have a major impact and as long as you keep posting things frequently, you will be able to attract the attention of your customers. Check out Instasize to create engaging Instagram Stories!
Do Not Forget About Instagram’s Algorithm
The algorithm Instagram implemented took away the old chronological feed that was quite beneficial for business marketing. According to the experts from managergram.com, people would rather take the advice of their family members and friends instead of advertisements on Instagram, hence, it is important to get people to promote your service or products to the people they know. For example, during 2017, companies started marketing on a micro-level which means that they reached out to Instagram influencers that do not have a large audience. In return, the influencers were able to market the products to the people they know. Although this strategy started almost three years ago, you can rest assured that it will be quite important during 2024.
Being Real and Sponsored Realness
If you are an Instagram fan, you might have noticed that more and more celebrities and influencers are now posting pictures and videos without makeup on or without filters. And for their followers, it meant a lot and it also empowered them to be themselves. A wide range of celebrities and influencers are now encouraging people to show their natural beauty and this trend will definitely make a big staple in 2024. You should definitely encourage your audience to not be afraid of who they really are.
You Might Need to Use Instagram as a Source of Information for Your Products
As we all know, we always turn to Google when we need information about a product or service, however, you might want to expect that to change during 2024. Instagram is constantly changing and it is getting more popularity in every country. Instagram has major benefits since it is all about pictures and videos, as well as the hashtags for promoting your brand. Also, if you want to search for something, your audience will be able to find it by searching for specific hashtags.
The four marketing strategies from this article are the ones you should focus on in 2024. And, now that you know which ones you should implement, do not waste any more time and start creating your strategy that will help your brand grow and expand.