According to a recent statement from the Ministry of Labor (MoL), around 1400 fatal and over one lakh non-fatal workplace injuries and accidents occur across the country. This equates to approximately four deaths per day!
That’s only the cases that have been recorded. It only scrapes the surface of the iceberg. Workplaces, particularly in India, are full of hazards for employees. These disturbing statistics indicate that an accident at your employment is almost certain to occur sooner or later.
Conducting a professional risk assessment at your workplace as soon as possible is the greatest way to protect your employees and spare your company from costly legal entanglements. A risk assessment can assist you in identifying potential danger indications and making your workplace a safer environment for everyone.
A risk assessment, on the other hand, does not guarantee that your workplace is completely risk-free. Even if you take all of the necessary safeguards and procedures to make your workplace safe, accidents can still occur.
In today’s article, we’ll take a closer look at what to do if you’re involved in a workplace accident.
Don’t be alarmed
When a workplace accident happens, employees and managers are usually frightened. They have no idea what to do and waste time that could have been used to save the sufferer.
“Never Panic” is the first rule you must follow. We acknowledge that abiding by this rule can be difficult at times. However, keeping a level head as an employer or safety manager is critical to reducing hazards. Indeed, how employers and managers react to an accident can make all the difference.
When a workplace injury or accident happens, here’s what you should do.
Look after the victim
The first and most important job in an accident is to offer proper medical care to the victim. If you are in an emergency scenario, call an ambulance as soon as possible. If you have trained medical staff on site, make sure to notify them so that they may promptly begin first-aid procedures.
If the scenario isn’t an emergency, safely take the person to the campus medical center or the nearest hospital.
Make sure your medicine cabinet is always filled. Having a certified first-aid professional on campus is a good idea.
Examine the situation
The following stage is to figure out what went wrong. Employee injuries do not occur in every workplace accident. Property and other equipment are damaged in a huge number of accidents. Before responding, be sure you’ve assessed the scenario. If an electrical fire breaks out, for example, make sure to evacuate all of your staff before attempting to extinguish it.
Secure the scene
The scene must now be secured. To prevent secondary accidents, an accident scene must be secured right away. Make certain that no one comes near the accident area. To prevent interfering with the official inquiry, notify the authorities and stay away from the scene.
Complete the Required Paperwork
Once you have ensured the treatment of the victim, the safety of the other employees and secured the scene, the next step is to complete the proper paperwork. Fill the incident report and provide the accurate details. The report has to be submitted to your insurance provider within 24 hours of the incident to file any claims.
Additionally, regulations state that you record and keep a detailed report of workplace accidents and injuries.
Ease return-to-work
Even minor injuries like sprains, strains, and fractures can lead to a worker taking off from work, for weeks or even months. The longer an employee is away from work due to an injury, the more difficult it is for him/her to return to the job.
Make sure that you have a Return-to-work program to help employees continue where they left off. Allot a dedicated manager to monitor and support the employee, when he/she comes back to work from the break.
Alternatively, you can provide modified or transitional jobs for such employees. These are specialized light-weight jobs for employees who have obtained the necessary medical clearance to work, but are unable to carry out their duties in full-swing.
It’s not necessary that the modified jobs are in the same department as the previous job of the employee. Modified posts have a shorter number of hours. These jobs help in boosting the employee’s confidence and motivate him/her to remain with the company.
Make a Commitment to Safety
As an employer, it’s your duty to ensure that your employees are safe in the workplace. Make sure that safety is a priority at your campus and provide employees with the necessary safety training and gear.
Additionally, make sure that you have a medical provider on campus or nearby so that your employees get immediate treatment. By planning well in advance for modified jobs and having medical care on campus, you ensure that you can efficiently handle a work-related injury if it occurs in the workplace anytime in the future.
Additionally, put up posters all around campus reminding employees to follow safety protocols. Also, ensure that your employees aren’t overworked as stress and sleeplessness are the main reasons for workplace injuries.
Plan for the Future
Don’t wait till another accident occurs to take further steps. Make sure that you come up with a plan to prevent future accidents at your workplace. Use this unfortunate incident as an eye-opener.
The best way to ensure that no future accidents occur in your workplace is to work with an experienced health and safety provider like CloudApper.