America is changing every day and with one of the most dynamic countries in the world with a fast-growing and world-leading creative economy, which has tremendous strength in advanced transportation. Automobile sectors are also growing rapidly in the USA, and trucks are an essential part and play an important role in the American economy. Due to this, growth in accidents is becoming a major concern in this city.
If you are commute in the big cities and using the freeways then you are sharing your path with semi-trucks and 18-wheeler which weigh up to 20 or 30 times as much as a passenger car. The experts from greylaw.com suggest that you need to be more cautious and more aware because freeway truck accidents in Los Angeles are much more frequent than many other parts of the country.
A truck, accident attorney that represents victims of these crashes explains that driving in Los Angeles, for example, freeways can be risky especially with the amount of traffic occupying major highways such as 710,605, 60, 91, 57 and 5 routes. These routes accommodate thousands of vehicles and trucks daily. According to statistics of the California highway, on the city’s main freeway in Los Angeles that have more truck accidents annually than any other place in Los Angeles. Accidents occur every day due to some negligence of drivers. So, there are a lot of major causes of freeways truck collisions.
Some of the Main Causes of Truck Accident
With so many trucks on the road of Los Angeles, there is a huge risk of truck accidents. No matter that the truck accidents are quite common, but due to traffic congestion, it becomes even worse.
Most of the causes of truck accidents look like the same as the causes of car accidents, including distracted driving, driver sleepiness or tiredness, and uses of alcohol on driving time or drug impairment. These are some of the major reasons of truck accident in Los Angeles. All drivers should consider avoiding these causes so as stay safe.
Distracted Driving
There are drivers who get bored while driving and start doing other activities that results in diverting their attention from driving. Such activities include surfing internet, chatting and talking on the phone. Even eating, changing the volume or stations on the radio, or using the navigation system can also divert the attention from driving that is enough cause of accidents. So, being a responsible driver, one should avoid these types of distractions.
The drivers and company who they work for break that rule so often, but they need to ensure that their parcel or cargo can reach the final destinations on time. Moreover, the driver who has to daily drive for extra hours and who does not get his proper sleep and they can suffer from sleep apnea, making them more tired even when they drive on next day.
The survey of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the U.S showed that an average truck driver of a long way works more than 50% of his driving capacity and they regularly break the U.S regulations, which are made for the limit of any commercial drivers work hours for safety purpose. This is an highly important consideration and drivers should not exceed their working hours.
Over Speeding
Talking about the speed limit, there are certain rules that needs to be followed. The speed limit of 18 wheelers has to be set on 55mph because of their heavy sizes and weights makes it more difficult to stop in overspeeding. Unfortunately, many of the drivers don’t obey the parameters of the speed limit. When the smaller vehicles hit by the truck such as 18 wheelers then the small vehicles crushed mostly.
Exceeding cargo or Parcel limits
The drivers should obey the set parameters of weight limits. Trucks that carry too much weight can blow out their tires that can in-turn cause vehicle burn out brakes. This is definitely something one should avoid.
Improper Maintenance
Maintenance of the truck is highly important but the driver doesn’t make enough money and they cannot maintain their trucks on timely. Because of this there are so many accidents happening out there. Broken lights, brake failure these are the parts of maintenance but it’s mostly ignored and it in-turn becomes the reason of accident.
There is no doubt that car accidents have major impact on drivers and passengers but truck accidents can have even more devasting effect on both the motorists and truck driver depending on the extent of damage to the vehicle and if there are any survivors, injured person maybe have to deal with a lifetime of suffering after that proving the liability in truck accident compare to car accident is very complicated because the driver may not only one is responsible for the damages including the truck company, manufacturers, dealers, and others.
If you or your loved one is involved in an accident with a commercial truck, you bringing a legal claim against the responsible parties to recover compensation and enough money for your injuries and vehicle damage.
Claiming an insurance and dealing with the company is not the easy task because mostly time when you submit a claim for benefits to your insurance company, they deny your claim.
Truck accidents can be incredibly dangerous for all parties involved. In the event that you do find yourself in an accident, be sure to seek legal help from the experienced team at Morris, King & Hodge to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.