Effective time management is a treasure to have for every person. No matter your occupation and lifestyle, spending time on the right things and dedicating enough time to each of your goals is crucial.
Still, you will be luckier and more prepared to do life if your time management skills are built from your green years. The lack of the ability to use time wisely often becomes the cause for frustration and makes you think. Assignments aren’t done, deadlines aren’t met, and the nervous system isn’t under enormous stress – these are the bitter fruits of poor time management.
Planning things ahead isn’t easy, but you can learn it, as with any other skill for life. So here we gathered a list of techniques and tricks, including saving time by hiring ghost writers, to let you build this ability and keep your top ratings at college.
Must-Use Tips to Have Good Relationships With Your Time
Long story short, here’s what to change if you struggle with time management.
1. Note down due dates
Writing things such as deadlines in a planner where it’s easy to see how much time is left. Probably, it is the best thing you can do. Dates aren’t supposed to be kept in your memory, but paper can handle everything.
Buy a fancy planner to make this daily ritual even more pleasurable, use cute stickers, and turn it into art or an activity that calms you. This habit will save you from nights of cramming and additional stress.
2. Write in your planner in different formats
Under ‘formats,’ we mean planners for weeks, days, and months but it’s best to have a combination. While noting your weekly schedules is important, seeing your whole semester and each month separately can give you a bigger perspective.
Marking events in the context of the year (and, most importantly, keeping it within your sight) will let you remember ‘big’ projects, such as coursework writing. Yet, having writing sessions for term papers requires smaller-scale planning.
3. Set priorities
If planning is a tangible idea and you can instantly see the result – like an event you have on Monday, 27th, priorities are unseen. Yet, they are even more powerful as they drive your success and efforts.
While global priorities are clear, the priorities of each task are what should be defined. When it comes to assignments, you can mark the following:
- Urgent ones with 1
- The ones that can wait a few days with 2
- The ones that can be postponed till the next week with 3
4. Don’t neglect assistance
Students are no supermen, and even the best of us sometimes need to catch up with our groups or retake tests. So, don’t be too harsh on yourself. Even if you have great resources, completing a big writing task in 3 days is above your abilities.
Such emergency cases need urgent solutions, such as requesting professional academic help. The good thing is seeking services, e.g., ghost writers, who can also finish various assignments quickly. With multiple reviews, fast-reacting writers, and in-depth knowledge, they can make magic happen and save your time (and grades).
5. Know how to renew your energy
You might not have thought about it, but our ability to rest determines how well we can work afterward. Unfortunately, few people can entirely switch off their ‘business/work/college’ mode to a ‘home’ mood and let go of all the thoughts related to studies.
Taking rest mentally is necessary – shift your attention from tedious tasks to something you enjoy, whether a good movie or aerobics gives you the endorphins needed to complete your tasks. You’ll have enough strength and patience from that place of ‘resourcefulness’ to go on.
6. Make your breaks fruitful
Scrambling notes and reference books every evening can be tiresome. It demands your full attention and is energy-consuming. Believe it or not, breaks make you a better learner. Forcing focus, and vice versa will play against you.
What hasn’t been considered a break is when stepping away from reading or completing homework, you go to social media. Instead, organize a change of activities: get yourself moving, paint spontaneously, cook something, meet friends, play or listen to good music. There’s plenty to do that isn’t rest but will let you feel re-energized.
7. Don’t aim for multitasking
Since multitasking went mainstream, all of us suddenly became Caesars. However, the truth is that working on multiple projects at the same time and maintaining equal focus in each direction is not for everybody.
Striving to cover many things at once can lead to frustration, nervous breakdowns, and reduced quality of work.
8. Enroll in a study group
Study groups might direct your thoughts to the old times when students learned in libraries, and no Internet was around. Truth be told, this is quite an old-school conception of a study group.
A study group can be of 3-10 people agreeing to learn together, sharing notes, insights, and support. At college, it’s not difficult to find peers interested in getting on top.
Moreover, groups like that will let you resist the temptation to procrastinate and stop learning until better times. When other people in the group rely on you, which is mutual, you’re bound to make progress!
9. Discover your optimal time to study
While with the choice of time for classes, you don’t have a choice, making your own study sessions gives this privilege. If you’re most productive in the early hours, plan more for this part of the day.
Yet, the human circadian rhythm is more than this and doesn’t say you can be fruitful only day or night. So building a schedule is super important.
10. Start working earlier than your groupmates
Once a topic for a research paper is handed down, why not discuss it with your mentor and have at least a few insights and ideas to convey in the paper? By starting to solve your tasks early, you’ll be several steps ahead and thank yourself later.
Hopefully, this inspired you to keep going and turn areas of your study where there’s chaos into more organized ones. So practice them, don’t be afraid to use the help of ghost writers sometimes, and grow into a time management expert to make it to the end!