Although we are still within the depths of winter, it is important to note that warmer temperatures are only a few months away. This is why preparing for the summer sooner, as opposed to later is always a good idea.
Whether you plan on traveling abroad in the near future or wish to hit the beaches and absorb the warm rays of the sun, it is important to know what to bring along in your suitcase.
What items are essential, and are there any which will be able to provide a bit of style while you are out and about? Let’s take an in-depth look at some professional recommendations so that you can fully enjoy all that this summer has in store.
The Bare Essentials: Preparing for What Summer Weather May Have in Store
It is first a good idea to emphasize some of the pragmatic necessities before moving on to “comfort” items and accessories. For the sake of argument, let us assume that you will be traveling for more than a week. What are some pragmatic recommendations to keep in mind? Perhaps one of the most important items to pack well in advance is sunscreen. The weather can be unpredictable, and you can even develop a sunburn when visiting higher elevations. Be sure to select the correct SPF level based on your skin tone and, when in doubt, ask a professional.
Personal sanitation is just as important. Never assume that a hotel or hostel will supply you with the necessary amenities. This is why you should always pack toothpaste, a toothbrush, and moist towelettes. Moist towelettes are particularly useful, as they can help to prevent the spread of germs, and they are great to use when washing up before a meal. The majority are also biodegradable, so they will not harm the environment.
Many summer holidays involve outdoor activities such as hiking, walking, and bicycling. It is, therefore, logical to appreciate the importance of remaining hydrated. Most travelers should include a reusable water bottle within their suitcase. Not only is this a much more cost-effective option when compared to purchasing water from retail outlets, but many reusable bottles are able to stay chilled for hours at a time, providing you with a welcome source of refreshment while out and about.
We will finally take a look at some logistical items that can make all of the difference in the world between an enjoyable summer holiday and one that is fraught with frustration. Never forget to bring along a smartphone charger and make certain that it is suited for the voltage associated with your destination. You will otherwise have to purchase one upon arrival. Some other essentials which should not be overlooked include:
- Your identity and any related travel documents.
- Medications that might be difficult to obtain while abroad.
- A physical map of the destination and any important attractions.
- Copies of your itinerary and reservations.
- Snacks such as candy or gum.
- Globally recognized credit cards.
It is wise to place all of these items within a checklist. You can then tick each one off as it is packed. Be sure to double-check before leaving home, as you never want to realize that an item was forgotten when you are thousands of miles away.
Going Out in Style
What about clothing? Which garments are the best to pack for a summer excursion? In this situation, a bit of cleverness will go a long way. Always consider the amount of available space within the suitcase. Avoid big or bulky items that may require an inordinate amount of room (such as a pair of knee-high boots). Also, try to include clothing that boasts a lightweight feel, and that can help to wick sweat away from the body. Fabrics such as cotton are generally excellent choices due to their decidedly breathable nature.
Also, be sure to include a few pairs of stylish shorts, such as those offered by SikSilk. Shorts are often considered to be the universal garments, as they are suitable for countless occasions. From sleeping or lounging around the hotel room to enjoying a day out on the beach or obtaining a spa treatment, shorts will provide you with a comfortable edge that might not otherwise be possible.
The same holds true in regard to loose-fitting tank tops. These are especially useful if you happen to be traveling to a much warmer climate (such as the Gold Coast of Spain). Overheating can represent a danger, and tank tops will help to cool your body when sweat evaporates.
Spares are just as important to remember when packing your summer suitcase. There can be times when a bathing suit is misplaced, or a pair of socks happens to vanish. Taking along two of such items will save you a great deal of time and money; let’s never forget that many tourist shops charge high prices for such items.
Unless you are planning to attend a fancy dinner, it is normally best to keep it simple in terms of style. Functionality generally trumps an eye-catching ensemble while on holiday. While there is nothing wrong with packing a pair of high heels and a few pieces of jewelry, try to keep luxury to a minimum. Once again, the warmer temperatures should also play a role in your choice of garments. Loose-fitting clothing and lighter tones will help to keep you cool when the mercury begins to rise. In the same respect, a pair of open-toed shoes are a great choice if you hope to remain comfortable during a hot summer day.
Please note that these are only a handful of rough guidelines to take into account. The size of your suitcase will also determine how much can be packed comfortably, so be sure to take these dimensions into account during the planning stage. If you are able to prepare well in advance of the intended departure date, you can enjoy a summer holiday in style.