As we as a species make technological advantages it is only a matter of time, when will the new technological improvements be used in the automotive industry. It is highly important for the automotive industry to stay involved and up to date with all the advantages that are on the market.
This means that, as in all industries, the revolution of it begins and highly relies on the technological advances and improvements which are being presented. Its incorporation leads to increased improvement and growth of the industry and allows it to follow up and evolve. There are few technological advantages that are believed to completely revolutionize the automotive industry and they will be laid out down below.
Driverless Cars
Even though this seems like a far distant future, some of the automotive industry giants are investing exceptionally high amounts of assets and funds into development and perfecting this type of vehicle movement.
Not only that this would be convenient, but with good algorithm car accidents on the road will be so low in numbers that it wouldn’t even be significant. For now, we do have so-called autopilot mode on some cars, and it can be used only in certain circumstances, but nevertheless, technology does exist. With the future development of it, chances are good that we will enter the futuristic, self-driving cars.
Artificial intelligence is mentioned so frequently that it is not a surprise that this kind of technology will and is finding away in your car. Similar to the virtual assistant that can be found on smartphones and Alexa or Google Home devices, it is planned to incorporate one into the cars as well. With the addition of the AI, a new set of sensors must be added in order to provide a sufficient amount of data for the AI to harness and learn from it. Better and precise the data collected, better is the response of the virtual assistant.
Even though ride sharing already exists, technological advances have pushed the offerors of these services to step up their game. A good algorithm can increase productivity without an increase in the fleet used. Not only that this type of movement on your daily commute is convenient, but it also lowers down the number of vehicles on the streets directly decreasing the amount of pollution produced on a daily basis.
Ride Cell provides the services and makes it really easy to call upon the ride. With advanced technology, you can see where the vehicle is at any minute and plan your activities upon its arrival. An algorithm that is used takes everything into consideration when processing the request; traffic jams, construction zones and, closed roads; so it sends the vehicle that has the highest chances of reaching you in no time.
It is hard to imagine a new car that is lacking in this technological advance. Telematics is a collective term that in your car refers to navigation; it, of course, uses GPS to precisely locate your car.
Not only that it helps you find the fastest route to the desired location, but it also gives data about the frequency of traffic in certain streets, parts of the city and roads which can be used to improve them and unburden them, and make the traffic in town faster and more pleasant to be in.
Vehicle to vehicle connection is extremely important because a share of data between different cars can improve the data set that they have, and allow AI to extract patterns. This is an upgrade form already existing V2X where X stands for everything.
By allowing sharing of information between the cars, there can be fewer traffic jams, car crashes could be avoided and also, smart movement through the city will be enabled, since the navigation can select different routes, in order to share the burden between the different streets and allow steady flow through the town.
By investing in sensors of different kinds, and improving their accuracy, there will be a better picture of a vehicle in time and space. This means that the overall safety will be increased to higher levels. The idea is to connect these sensors with the AI and navigation system of the car, in order to increase the data share and interpret information correctly. So far, sensors that are built into cars are there to improve the safety of the driver and others in traffic participants.
As mentioned a few times, a connection is a key; meaning that the more connections mean more information leading to increased safety. Cars already have a way of connecting to smartphones, but in addition, connection to the internet will be of importance.
By having a possibility to go online, the car can download information about the road in real-time, and send the data as well, leading to better calculations of the routes, avoiding traffic jams and others. These connections can also be used for information sharing between vehicles.
B2V Technology
This is the most sophisticated technology that is in the making and it stands for connections between the car and the brain itself. It works on a very simple principle and it analyses brain acidity of the driver in order to anticipate the behaviors. This is very convenient when it comes to the increase in traffic safety. This technology is a bit controversial since it can be portrayed as mind-reading by some.
All in all, investing in technological advancement will for sure have an impact on all spheres of life. The automotive industry is following up very closely on the improvements and advancements, incorporating new technology into vehicles in order to improve safety, reduce pollution and increase the accuracy of the navigation systems.
Even though we are far from completely autonomous vehicles, there are some, even today that can use an autopilot mode to navigate certain parts of the road. By collecting more data and investing in sensors, there will be even more advantaged in the existing industry.