Today, there are technology tools for nearly everything you can think of, including helping out college students. These devices and tools can make your life easier. College can be difficult, so when you’re a student, you’ll want to take advantage of them. Whether you choose to take advantage of one of them or all, you can boost your productivity levels while remaining happy and healthy.
Telehealth for College Students

Today’s healthcare providers have found that offering telehealth is an effective way of getting the care college students need. That’s especially true for those suffering from mental health problems. It’s a great way for students to get therapy they might not have been able to access in the past. If you are suffering from a physical or mental health issue, you might not like the idea of asking for help in person. Or you might not have enough time to fit an in-person appointment into your schedule. That’s why you might want to consider a telehealth provider such as TimelyMD. Then you can access the help you need in any location and at any time.
Devices to Help You Succeed
Tablets are one of the best tech tools for college students. That’s because they strike the perfect balance between a laptop and a smartphone. Because of the relatively small size, they’re ideal for traveling between your dorm, the library, and classes. Plus, many have a long battery life, so you can use them anywhere.
If you have electronic textbooks, you can read them with your tablet. E-books might be cheaper than traditional textbooks, helping you save money. Plus, you can access journals and articles so you can stay updated. Many times, you can plug in a keyboard or mouse to turn the tablet into a small laptop. You may find that after getting a table, you no longer need to purchase a laptop for your classes.
After getting a tablet, you might consider getting a smart pen to go with it. That’s great if you want your notes in an electronic format but would like to write them out. Writing things down by hand, even on a tablet, might help you remember the information better. It forces you to slow down and think about the most important facts. Smart pens look like regular pens, but they help you digitize information and save each set of notes in a specific location.
You can even find smart pens designed like traditional ones that require special paper. Then you can turn any writing into digital information. Some of these pens are like the styluses used with tablets, and you can use it to write on your screen as you take notes. Others let you record the lecture as you write. Either way, you can easily take notes during class and save them for editing later. The best pen depends largely on your preferences.
Apps to Help Productivity
Whether it’s through a laptop, phone, or tablet, you can take notes using a note taking app. There are several free options to choose form, and many allow you to sync notes, no matter the device. So, you might take notes on a tablet during class but wish to use them for studying on your computer. Then you can sign into the account to access each note. A few apps let you save information from sites, and others let you record sound. You might choose to record specific portions of lectures and transcribe the most important parts later on.
If you struggle with productivity, you might look for noise-cancelling headphones. They can eliminate distractions and let you focus on your work. Whether you’re in your dorm, a coffeeshop, or the library, you can tune out the sound around you. The prices of these tools might vary depending on how many features they have, so you can usually find something in your budget.
It’s sometimes had to focus, especially if you are thinking about getting on social media. That’s why you might want to consider an app or browser extension designed to eliminate distractions. You can block these sites so it’s harder to get to them. You might create a list of websites that distract you or have the app enforce a time limit. That way, you won’t accidentally spend hours on the site when you need to be studying or writing a paper. When you know you can’t visit your favorite procrastinating sites, you might get more done.
You might want an app for studying that specifically fits in your major. For instance, if you are a medical student, you might look for those that let you navigate through the human body. Some let you observe human physiology and anatomy from an ideal vantage point. Then you can get an in-depth understanding of the various systems. Don’t be afraid to talk to your professors to find apps that pertain to your major. Then you’ll be better prepared to succeed in your chosen field.
Reducing Anxiety
Many college students have anxiety before an important test or quiz. While it’s common, it leads to unnecessary stress, and that might reduce your self-confidence, reducing your performance. There are ways of mitigating your nervousness, but some apps are designed to reduce your fears. These apps might help you control your emotions by thinking more positive things. Or they could help you control your breathing, so you force your body to relax. Ultimately, they will help you reduce your anxiety and feel better about the outcome of the test.
Apps to Organize Your Notes
After taking notes in class, you’ll want to organize them so you can find the information later for studying. Some apps combine study with note-sharing, allowing you to turn the information into quizzes, flashcards, and other study tools. Some apps even let you find notes from other students. And you might choose to share the notes with your fellow students. For harder classes, forming a study group and sharing your information is a great way to make sure you study all the relevant data.