Street workout is a great opportunity to exercise and get your body in shape because it doesn’t require a fortune and it is not time-consuming. How many times have you thought about going to the gym but you dropped that idea because you felt that gym is too far away from your house, or it is too expensive?
By starting the street workout program you don’t have to worry about these things because you can easily find a place to do street workout close to your house and it costs you nothing. On the top of that, working out like this has numerous benefits – not only do you get to breathe in the fresh air while you exercise, but you also get to meet other people and make friends with whom you can work out.
Beginning a street workout program is often the first step towards the figure of your dreams and a healthy lifestyle. Even though being a beginner is not always easy, there are plenty of workouts which are created specifically for the beginners. You can check Calisthenics 101 for additional information. In case you are interested in reading about 3 street workout programs for beginners – take a look at the following article.
This program is aimed at making your whole body stronger. Additionally, it will provide you with great base in case you want to proceed to more complex programs and types of workout. It is necessary to mention that it might be a bit challenging for complete beginners. In that case you can alter the set of exercises, or make a longer break between them.
The duration of the program is 5 weeks, and you are supposed to repeat it 3 times a week. The first exercise you should do is jumping jacks for 30 seconds. After this, you should proceed to the next exercise (10 Lunges for each leg). The next two exercises include L-Sit Hang for 3 seconds and 15 incline push-ups. Next, you should do a flexed arm hang for 5 seconds, 10 seated dips (on a bench or chair), 10 sit-ups and 10 step-ups. The last exercise is a plank for 30 seconds.
If this program is either too hard or too easy for you, you should alter it accordingly. Don’t forget that the most important thing is to listen to your body. Also, if you are not able to repeat the whole thing 3 times a week, don’t worry. As long as you are doing the exercises in this order, you can skip a session or two, in case you have some more important things to do, and it will not damage the outcome.
If you are into exercising without equipment, you will be thrilled with this program. It consists of 4 cycles of exercises. Its main goal is to strengthen the beginners’ body in order for him/her to be able to move on to the intermediate level of exercise.
The first exercise is a plank for 30 seconds. This program is based on number 8. Therefore, after plank, you should do 8 squats, 8 lunges (for each leg), 8 push-ups, 8 laying down leg raises, and 8 pike push-ups.
Once you realize that you can do this program without any troubles, you are ready to increase the number of exercises and move on to a more advanced level. Also, if it is too hard, you can make short breaks between the exercises for your muscles to relax. But be careful not to make the breaks last too long, because the shorter they are the faster your muscles will form.
This program is slightly more advanced compared to the previous two, but it is still considered to be a beginner’s program. It is perfect if you have started working out, and you have made a longer break. It will help you get back on track in no time.
It consists of a few types of exercises. First, you are supposed to do 10 wide push-ups and 10 mountain climbers. Once you have done that, you should do 30-second wall sit. Now you are halfway done. The next exercise is 10 clap push-ups. After this, you are supposed to do 15 second superman hold and 15 squats. The last exercise is a plank for 30 seconds.
Even though this program is perhaps a bit advanced for beginners, once you are able to complete it, you will see the results and, more importantly, you will feel motivated and proud of yourself.
If you are looking for a more effective way to spice up your exercise routine, you can check out what the Internet has to offer. For example, you can look for online shops of steroids or other supplements. The important thing is to be aware that you are buying from reliable shop and you should always consult the experts. For example, you can check out the anabolicsteroidonline.com.
To sum up, the street workout is beneficial even for beginners. It does not require a lot, all you have to do is think about the program which suits you best and start working out. The most important thing to keep in mind is the fact that you should always listen to your body.
Therefore, you can even try out all three programs and see which one fits you best. Every workout has its benefits but it might happen that something is not quite working for you. In that case, don’t be afraid to change or alter the sets of exercises. And, more importantly, don’t give up and keep going until you are ready to move on to the intermediate level of street work out!