In a year that was of great importance in terms of sports for both athletes and sports lovers around the world. That includes sports bettings as well. Unfortunately, a coronavirus pandemic occurred. This pandemic has hit the entire globe and brought unrest, fear, and interruption of continuity everywhere – even in sports. Sports bettings were not immune to this situation either. In what ways do they cope during the coronavirus? We will try to figure that out in this text.
Canceling Of Sports Events – Even The Olympics
The biggest event of the year, the Olympic Games in Tokyo, as well as all other sporting events – were interrupted and postponed until further notice. The coronavirus pandemic gained wide and deadly proportions – so that cities and states had to close their borders, and the population was quarantined. Unfortunately, gyms and stadiums – have been turned into temporary hospitals for those infected with the coronavirus, instead of continuing to serve the sport. Suddenly everything stopped – except the fight for life.
Sports Activities Are Stopped – Or Maybe Still Not?
In most countries of the world, everything looked like a war. The coronavirus claimed many lives – and many people fought for their lives in hospitals around the world. The struggle began in every possible way. People locked in houses started watching the news day and night on TV and social media.
Going out was, and in some countries IS still limited. Social networks and applications have become the only source of information and communication among people. However, both entertainment and sports managed to find their place there. Celebrities, athletes, and many others began to organize through various channels – in providing support to the sick, organizing humanitarian actions, but also in other activities aimed at alleviating this difficult global situation. Sports activities have literally died. T
he only countries that were allowing any sporting events were Belarus, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan – where the state soccer leagues were still played. The presence of the audience was not allowed.
What Happened With Great Sporting Events?
Various speculations have begun as to whether the Olympic Games will be held at all – as well as major international tournaments in tennis, football, basketball, and other sports. The question was: How will the athletes train and when will they be able to play on the field? After that, unpleasant news arrived again. The Olympics have been postponed to 2024 – and all other sporting events have been canceled until further notice, with unknown dates. The coronavirus progressed, and it was impossible to predict when the pandemic would end or gain in intensity.
Sports And Economic Crisis
In addition to the pandemic crisis, the economic crisis had also shown its teeth to the world. Besides so many fired people around the world – sports also felt a big blow to the budget – as well as sports bettings. With the delaying or cancellation of major sporting events in all categories – there has been a major financial shock. Numerous TV stations that had exclusive rights to TV broadcasts of matches and sporting events – were forced to replay sporting events from before. It was a big loss of money on several sides – for TV companies, as well as for clubs, sponsors, but also athletes and sports bettings.
Sports Bettings: Survivor Strikes
One of the strongest financial disturbances has been felt by sports bettings around the world. First of all, because they had to close the branches. According to NJGamblingFun, by stopping almost all sports events due to coronavirus – the possibility of sports betting is reduced. Risk managers of sports betting had to find new ways for continuity in working and earning. Although online games are also present on the websites of some sports betting houses – that was not enough. Their visitors, who are now locked in their homes – had to find a way to have fun, bet online, and, if possible, make some money.
How Did The Sports Betting Industry Respond To Coronavirus?
The sports betting houses had a difficult task. In a short time, they had to find a solution on how to expand the betting list for their players. The possibilities have been limited, but one needs to be clever – and a solution will be found. In addition to the only 3 soccer leagues that were available for betting – we will give you 5 examples of how the sports betting industry coped during the coronavirus lockdown.
1. Joint Action Between Athletes And Sport Bettings
Big sports bettings made ingenious cooperation with famous athletes (mostly tennis players and football players) – by organizing online Playstation tournaments. Famous athletes competed online against each other in certain tournaments and played under their name. For example, Rafael Nadal played a match against Andy Murray. It was a virtual tournament in Madrid that was played on clay. In this virtual match, Andy Murray won with the result 2:1.
2. Virtual Soccer
Soccer fans were not denied their betting and the pleasure of the game either. Well-done graphics of the Sony Playstation, organized virtual matches of all famous European leagues, with 2 halftimes of 30 seconds each – were a real treat for fans of this sport. Sports bettings also offered the possibility of betting as in real matches between teams. You can bet on one or more matches, bet on the result, or goals.
3. Horse Racing
These races can generally be found only in large sports betting chains. Moreover, they need to have licenses for offering sports bets for horse racing. It is a very interesting and well-organized game with high odds.
4. Virtual Dog Races
This is a standard game in most sports bettings. The interval between betting in each race is 2 minutes. In each race, 6 dogs compete, and each of them has a certain quota. There are several options and combinations for betting – and you get the impression that you are in the stands and watching the races live.
5. Online Casino Games
Due to the impossibility of going to sports betting or casinos, players can play their favorite games online on sports betting and online casino websites. Most sports betting and casinos also offer the possibility of winning online jackpots. Whether you like online poker or slots – it’s up to you. Maybe check out proindiancasinos.com for more information!
Although the coronavirus pandemic has done a lot of damage and taken a lot of casualties – life has continued to go its course, so these types of entertainment and betting are a good valve to divert thoughts and get rid of stress at least for a while. Good luck.