Quaden Bayles’ family declined to take the money for their trip to Disneyland that was raised through the GoFundMe page. So far $470,000 is deposited on a 9-year olds account.
Quaden’s aunt Mundanara Bayles said that Quaden would have loved to go to Disneyland to “escape to anywhere that is fun that doesn’t remind him of his day-to-day challenges.”
“But my sister said, ‘You know what, let’s get back to the real issue'” she said. “This little fella has been bullied. How many suicides, black or white, in our society have happened due to bullying?”
The social media critics are not so convinced in Quaden family’s good intentions. Some commented that: “The Feds are probably watching, and they know it” or “They know that as soon they touch the money, it’s fraud”. Also, suspicion about Quaden’s age still lingers.
Last week rumors started circulating that Quaden is actually an adult person.