Organic farming is the farming of plants without the use of chemical pesticides, herbicides or other chemical fertilizers. Many countries are aiming to keep the yield of a crop to the same level as it would have grown naturally without the use of chemical fertilizers or pesticides. Organic agriculture is basically a system that was started in response to the rapid change in agricultural practices worldwide. It aims at improving the productivity of the farmers while reducing their ecological footprint.
Organic farming is primarily based on the use of compost made from plant material, manure from livestock and the products of animal husbandry. Organic farmers are required to grow food without the use of any artificial chemical fertilizer or pesticides and to fertilize their fields with compost as well as natural plants. It requires a great deal of research to determine the proper balance between crop production and pest control and to ensure the health of the environment. Organic agriculture uses biological and chemical methods of pest control, and for crop monitoring, although not as extensively used as the chemical methods. Organic farming is becoming more popular because it is more cost-effective than conventional farming.
“According to Coherent Market Insights, the global organic farming market accounted for 50.9 million hectares of organic agricultural farmland in 2015 and is expected to expand at a growth rate of 8.4% by 2026 during the forecast period (2018-2026).” Get full industry insights (at) https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/market-insight/organic-farming-market-2450.
A key benefit of organic farming is that it is better for the environment. Because organic farms don’t use chemicals, they are more effective at protecting biodiversity. Because they don’t use pesticides, organic crops do not contain any harmful pesticides. Consequently, organic farming attracts migratory species and other beneficial organisms. In recent years, studies on the benefits of organic agriculture have increased. One meta-analysis of 766 scientific papers concluded that organic farmers produce greater levels of biodiversity than conventional farmers.
In organic farming, there is no use of insecticides, chemical fertilizers or other unnatural pesticides. It relies on the use of natural resources such as manure from animal castings, insects like termites and snails, and natural composts made from plant waste for pest control. Farmers grow crops in places without synthetic pesticides or herbicides because they know the risks these chemicals can bring to both the crops and the people who eat them. Farmers also avoid using chemical fertilizers and other chemicals that could potentially contaminate water and air. They also try to prevent soil erosion by using conservation tillage, and building raised beds along the edges of the fields.
Many benefits of organic farming include higher prices, improved production, and reduced costs of farm inputs. However, this approach has some challenges. First, farmers must look at their production problems and find a long-term solution. Additionally, there are many valuable resources available on the Internet for farmers interested in incorporating organic practices into their operations. Try to explore the many other organic sites available on the Web.
While there are some risks associated with organic farming, the benefits are significant. Among the most important ones are the sustainability and self-sufficiency of farms. This means that farmers can grow and sell their products at a higher price than their competitors. As a result, the cost of organic food is cheaper for consumers. Hence, more farmers are opting for organic farming. There are many other advantages of organic farming that make it more popular.
Moreover, it is good for the environment. The use of chemicals in conventional farming is harmful for the soil. Despite its many benefits, the use of chemical fertilizers is still widely used in modern agriculture. It is also harmful to the environment because they can lead to health problems. In addition, the effects of organic chemicals are not known. This is why the benefits of organic farming are so great. In fact, they can save the environment and save our energy.
Furthermore, organic farming reduces the use of toxic chemicals such as pesticides, fungi, and herbicides. It also helps reduce the amount of pollution in the environment. This is why it is important to use organically-grown foods. Not only do they taste better, but they are also more sustainable. Aside from this, there are many other advantages associated with organic farming. For instance, it makes the soil more resistant to environmental factors.
Diversity in Organic Farming
Organic farming has become very diverse. Organic farmers can choose to raise all or some animals, while some specialize only in dairy production or focus on poultry or sheep production. Organic farmers have more freedom in choosing for their products, because they do not have to rely on synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Organic farmers have to be concerned about animal welfare, because they have to take into account the level of stress animals are exposed to on a daily basis.
Organic Fertilizer
Asia Pacific is also witnessing R&D in organic manure. In September 2024, National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India along with CEF Group, an organic fertilizer producer in India, signed an agreement with JK Lake & Waterways Authority to process Dal lake weeds into organic manure for 25 years.
High demand for organic fertilizers has led to expansion of production capabilities. In March 2019, Biostar Organics, part of BioStar Renewables, announced the commissioning of its first OMRI-listed, SuperSix organic liquid fertilizer plant, located in Othello, WA (U.S).
Demand for Organic Farming
The demand for organic food is high in developed countries. According to 2019 Organic Industry Survey by the Organic Trade Association, Organic food sales in the U.S. increased 5.9% in 2018 to reach US$ 47.9 billion and organic food sales made up 5.7% of overall food sales, which rose 2.3% in 2018.
Various governments are focused on promoting organic farming. In March 2024, Japan’s The Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry announced a new approach to promote eco-friendly practices in fishing, forestry, and agricultural sectors. Increasing demand for organic baby food also aids organic farming. Organic baby food can be purchased in stores, online and at farmer’s markets.
This type of food is becoming more common because studies have been conducted which indicate that it may provide several health benefits for your child. Organic foods are generally grown without pesticides or other chemicals used in other growing methods. Organic food feeding can limit his or her exposure to certain chemicals used in conventional farming.