Moving Supplies Checklist


Have you ever tried washing your clothes without detergent? That’s how impossible it is to move home without packing supplies. Whether you’re thinking of relocating 400miles away from your current place or within the same neighborhood, a moving supplies checklist will help you pack things easily while keeping your items safe.

Our professional shippers recommend the following as the best new apartment supplies list to invest in.

The Best Moving supplies for Packaging Homewares


If you’ve moved home before, especially in Chicago, you already know your homewares need the right care and attention to survive the long haul.

Getting the right packing supplies is possibly the right care and attention your belongings need. But, before you spend so much money on unnecessary packaging materials, take the time to study your belongings. This way, you get a better idea of the special packing materials you actually need. Regardless, the best packaging supplies checklist you should consider includes:

  • Cardboard boxes: get the big, medium, and small sizes to help pack your homewares.
  • Colored stickers, multicolored measuring tapes, or packing labels: They help you label the boxes.
  • Multiple permanent markers: In case you can’t get your colored stickers or labels, it helps you label the boxes.
  • Packing tape. Boxes must be closed tightly.
  • Bubble wrap: acts as a cushion to safeguard breakable items.
  • Packing paper: it helps you cover essential wares and can also be used to fill gaps in the box.
  • Stretch wrap: It is made from plastic material and helps secure items from falling.
  • Packaging tape: It offers additional support for the bottom and top parts of the box.
  • Ziploc bags: With a ziplock bag, you can store small items like bolts and screws.

Alternatively, visit to hire the best packing services Chicago offers to avoid the packing stress.

Moving Supplies

Your moving supplies checklist doesn’t end with you purchasing essential packing gears. Moving gears are also necessary since they make the transition as smooth as possible. Some moving supplies you should consider include:

  • Rental truck: If you’ve made up your mind to ship your belongings yourself, you need to hire a rental truck to cover shipping logistics.
  • Mattress bag: It safeguards your mattress from stains, dirt, and dust on the trip.
  • Furniture pads: Also known as blankets, it secures your large furniture from moisture, sunlight, and dirt.
  • Cargo or safety straps: these hold items in the truck, so you don’t have to worry about damages that may befall your belongings if they shift in the truck.

What You Need for Heavy-Lifting

If you choose to engage moving services, you won’t have to worry about lifting weighty stuff to the truck because shippers often have the essential lifting equipment and reliable hands to haul them. But, if you plan to use the DIY route, lifting gears are necessary to keep you away from harm. Our expert shippers recommend the following heavy-lifting tools for carrying your heavy loads.

  • Dollies: They come in several types, but the most essential is the two and four-wheeled dollies. Dollies do the lifting job. All you need to do is place them under the item, and they will wheel the bulky stuff to the truck.
  • Ramp: They take care of the pushing chore from the stairs to the floor and into the moving truck.
  • Lifting strap: it ensures proper weight distribution so lifting heavy items is possible.
  • Thick gloves: It protects your palms and hand from injury when lifting bulky fixtures.

How Do You Choose the Right Packing Gears for Moving?

As mentioned earlier, every supply won’t be worth the spend. Newsflash: if you buy without considering what you actually need, you’ll end up tossing it out, giving it to someone who actually needs it, and generally increasing your expenses. So, before investing in unwanted packaging gears, do the following:

  • Itemize essential home fixtures you plan to ship

In simple words, make an inventory of every item in your home. This way, you know if you have any special equipment the basic supplies listed above don’t account for.

  • Create an essential supply list

Once you know what items you actually have, it’s time to make a supplies list to help you package, move and lift them.

  • Old or new, choose only quality boxes

Boxes differ in quality. A new box may have a superior build to a used one. On the other hand, many used boxes will hold up well than new ones. Whether you’re investing your money in a new box or plan to ask friends, family, and neighbors for an old box in storage, you just have to find one that feels sturdy and won’t tear easily.

Learn How to Pack Up for the Long Haul

Now that you have a general idea of the supplies you need for packaging, moving, and lifting items, it’s time to share some useful tips from EnergyAustralia to set you up before the big day.

  • Plan and maintain to-do lists

It’s not about planning how to change homes. A successful move is more about commitment and one that requires you to practice what you’ve planned out.

  • Arrange boxes close to the exit

Once you’re done tapping the box, don’t leave them in the room. Instead, place them close to the door where they are easy to access any time of the day.

  • Use fitting boxes

A medium or small-sized box will never contain large fixtures. Make sure you use the right boxes when packing your home fittings. If the largest box you have doesn’t fit these items, create one by cutting multiple cardboard pieces and using tape to hold them together.

  • Photograph home fittings and electrical connectors as reference

If you don’t have access to the instruction manual, the best way to make reassembling easy is to photograph large fixtures and electrical connections fully assembled before dismantling them.

Whether local or long-distance, moving is no peaches and roses. But with the right move-in supplies checklist, you’ll be well on your way to a smooth experience.