The advancement of technology has been so vast that machines are performing almost all our tasks. This has led to a huge reduction in human efforts. Anyhow, these machines also need to be tested timely to reduce costs. The process of software testing starts with check if the system is performing well as per the functionalities and helps to solve the requirements or not. This helps in finding out if there are any defects in the whole system or not. This is the way to find out errors and other issues and the features which are contrary to the requirements of the business. This is a pool of knowledge which is widely used by people all over the world and companies like pCloudy are very much able to provide such services in the best manners.
The most important part of software development is its testing part. There are different types of testing, and these are to be selected based on several factors — these help in playing different roles and will help in solving the issues faced by the people.
This concept has been divided into two parts the functional testing and non-functional testing.
The concept of functional testing is done with the motive of checking that all the functions are performed as per the standardized procedures. This is the testing that does not require the codes and all but still is very much essential. The main aim is that all the functions of the app are user-friendly and help the users a lot in all the aspects.
To perform such testing, people need to have the input values and the output things so that one is well versed with the concepts. Then the text cases have been executed so that the results can be obtained.
There are many kinds of functional testing. The most common is unit as it involves the analysis of all the units of the app and then testing their functions. This is done by the developers to check in case all the apps and all the units of the app work well regarding the standards and the mechanisms. Another type of testing is the sanity testing, which will help in finding the minor updates and the errors and will even make sure that these errors do not affect the app in the future. This is done to build the strength of the whole app so that it works very well.
Another type is smoke testing, which can be performed in the combined manner along with the other testing. Another type is the regression, which will help in showing if there is any kind of adverse effect on the whole system. Another testing is the system testing, which is the analysis of the whole software so that there are no issues to the users. This helps in developing coordination between the hardware and the software of the app and ensuring that users are satisfied. These kinds of testing are mainly done before launching the app so that the required changes can be made.
The other type is non-functional, which is done to check the apps on other parameters other than the functional part. This will help in evaluating the system on all the other parameters before launching them in the market. This is done to check if the app can handle the workload or not. This is done to make sure that the app is compatible with systems like the big screens, software, and all other components of the whole process. Another type is security testing, which will help in ensuring that there are no issues like the malware and viruses to the app so that the users are highly satisfied. Another type is usability testing, which means to check if there are any defects in the whole system. These are done in the initial phases when only the design of the app has been proposed.
There are a number of parameters that will help in solving such purposes and will help to compare both types of mobile app testing.
These parameters have been very well explained in the following sense:
· The objectives sought: the functional testing is carried out to check if the app is performing its functions up to the mark or not, and the non-functional testing is done to monitor the performance and the other related things like the utility part.
· The areas of focus: the functional part helps to find out what the app should do in certain conditions, and it helps to define various things like how the non-functional will interact with the users and other things as well.
· The easy to use function: the function is very easy to use in case one is unaware about the internal functioning of the device, and the non-functional is very much suitable and easy to use in case the people are aware of the internal functioning of the things, and they are also familiar with the implementation things of various devices.
· The functionality part: the functional testing helps the system to have information on what is to be done, and the non-functional will help to have the idea about how things are to be done. The functional provides the answers to all the questions in the system, and the non-functional will help to provide the how to do things.
· The execution part: the function is performed earlier as compared to the non-functional part. This is done because it will help to find out how things are to be done, and the non-functional will focus on the execution part only and not on the other stuff.
So the parameters on which both systems differ have been explained well. Usually, the apps lose 95% of the users in the first three months. The main reason is the people do not pay attention to the testing part, and then the apps fail. One can avoid all such issues by doing proper functional and non-functional testing.