If you are a farmer specializing in crops, you will always hope that your plants to do well and get you the best yields at the end of the day. Even though this happens in some cases, there are others where the case might be the opposite.
Some farmers plant their crops but end up with very few returns at the end of the day. This is so common in some areas prompting the affected farmers to turn to other things instead of crops. Though many of these issues faced by farmers have to do with mother nature, some can be controlled, leading to higher yields later on.
Much of the problems that lead to low crop yield come from the soil. For instance, if your soil contains high salinity content, then your plants will not grow as vigorous as they would have in low salinity soils. This makes salinity such a significant determinant of the soil yield and something that has to be addressed with a lot of seriousness.
To start with, if you plant your crops in the high salinity soil, your seeds will germinate poorly. This is the first effect of the top salinity soil. After that, the crops will not grow in the exact way that you expect them to. Most of them will grow much slower as expected and will get to a point where they will be stunted.
In cases where the salinity concentration is so high, the plants will not be able to make it to the expected heights. If you have been experiencing such a thing on your farm, then this could be one of the problems that you are faced with.
Salinity in soil is such a big issue nowadays that it is affecting many farmers out there. The bad thing is that people struggle with this problem without knowing exactly what they are dealing with. If your crops are grown in high salinity soils, there is so much that you can do to save them.
Some people resort to watering, thinking that this will help at some point. However, with the case of salinity, this is never the case. No matter how much you try to water the plants, so little will be able to save them, they will dry up.
If the water you use for irrigation contains too much salt, the Merus Online offers top water treatment, to lower this problem. Even soil with already too high salt content, get cleaned by the water over time.
Carry out proper soil salinity testing
The first step to dealing with salinity in soils is by carrying out a proper test of your soil to determine the salinity levels of the same. You can bring in a particular expert who has what it takes to carry out this process and get you the correct information.
Salinity levels in soils vary and come with various effects at each level. Due to these variations, the soil salinity remediation procedures might vary. Thus, it would be best if you were very careful with the person you choose to carry the tests for you.
It would help if you looking for someone who is well skilled and competent to carry out this process for you. If you carry out the right remediation process for the wrong salinity levels, you will not be able to help much in the long run. In some cases, you might be forced to look for someone who will carry out this process for the second time, which might cost you more.
To avoid this, you need to look for someone who will carry out the testing process in an accurate way that will yield the best results for you. Once you have the salinity level results, you can now begin to figure out the remediation procedures that will help to bring this problem to an end.
Carry out periodic soil testing
This is also one of the things you need to do to make sure your soil salinity levels are manageable. Salinity in soils is not a constant or standard thing; it changes over time. This means you might experience low salinity levels in your soil this year, but the levels might go up later.
This is due to that many factors that tend to increase the levels of salinity in the soil. The only way you can keep track of these levels and control them is by carrying out periodic tests that will give you a clear picture of what these levels.
Sources of salinity in soil
If you are a farmer, then you must be interested in knowing what the salinity sources are and see if you can deal with that. There are so many causes of salinity in the soil, some of which are still unknown. Most of these sources are natural but can be controlled with proper remediation measures.
For instance, saltwater is one of the leading causes of salinity in water. This is what accounts for much of the water salinity in many parts of the world. There are other sources as well, but this one is the main one. The surest way you can use to control this is by making sure that the water getting into your farm contains low levels of salinity.
This way, you will be able to reduce the salinity levels in your soil, significantly making it possible for you to grow crops more efficiently. However, it is how you deal with this water in terms of treating that will determine the success of this process.
Treat water in the right way to reduce salinity levels.
If you approach any expert, he will tell you that you can only avoid high salinity soil by treating the water. If you are using water for irrigation, then you need to make sure the water is well treated to reduce the levels of salts that bring about salinity.
Salinity in the soil is such a growing concern to many people. Some people are struggling with this condition in their farms such that they don’t know what to do to help the situation. If you are faced with the same situation, you can only avoid high salinity soil by treating the water.