It is never easy to get a job. And if this is your first job, then everything is even more difficult. Even though you have a college degree, knowledge of foreign languages , and many other positive things in your CV, which every employer loves to see, you are never sure if you will get a job. Experience is often the deciding factor, and you obviously don’t have it. But you are looking for a job in marketing, which is definitely good for you because the demand is high. Especially if we are talking about the offer of jobs in digital marketing. After all, we are living in an era of information technologies.
Almost everything we do is digital. That is why most marketing agencies are switching to digital marketing or at least opening a sector dedicated to it. So now is the right time to apply for jobs in the sector. To make it easier for you to get a job in marketing during 2024, we have compiled useful tips for you.
General Tips
Certain job application tips are applicable to all professions. In order not to overlook it, we will first give you general advice, and then move on to those closely related to marketing.
1. Have a suitable email address
We can make as many free email addresses as we want, so don’t make the mistake of taking the first step. Don’t allow yourself to apply for a job using an email address that is too informal. Nicknames or anything other than your first and last name should be omitted. Even numbers are not recommended, but if you just can’t create using just your first and last name, then add a number. And it is recommended that it be Gmail, Yahoo or Hotmail. Employers love familiar things.
2. Don’t forget Linkedin
Linkedin is absolutely necessary for you. Create a profile, if you don’t already have one, and try to fill it in as best you can. List all diplomas, references, previous experiences, and the like. Don’t forget to volunteer either. Finally, emphasize that you are looking for a position in marketing. Write that you want your first job to be related to marketing or that you want a career change and that marketing is your new goal.
3. Use recruitment agencies
If the first company you applied to rejects you, don’t lose hope. As we have already said, there is a huge demand for workers in marketing, especially digital. Even if you don’t have all the necessary credentials, don’t give up. Apply in as many places as possible because it will significantly increase your chances. Maybe someone likes your attitude and willingness to learn, more than just credentials. Also, go in person to the companies you are interested in and show them interest. If there are no marketing agencies in your area, this will not be a problem because there are so many recruitment agencies on the internet. Check this website, upload your CV, and start searching.
Tips Closely Related to Marketing
1. Read and educate yourself on the topic as much as possible
Like everything in today’s world, this is progressing very fast and if you miss out on education for just a year, it is very likely that you will miss out on some new, important trends. Everyone in the HR department will expect you to have read some of the books by the greatest experts in this field. And you also research as much as you can.
2. Be familiar with Google Analytics and AdWords
Without knowledge of these two Google tools, you will not be able to be successful in digital marketing. AdWords is a platform that allows the advertiser to reach their target audience by having ads appear on the first page of the search. Every click is paid, so it is called Pay-per-Click. Google Analytics will give you all the necessary information about the site, such as who your target group is, which parts of the site are most visited and the like. Don’t apply for a job until you’ve learned at least the basics of Analytics and AdWords.
3. Talk to people who already work in the sector
If you have friends or acquaintances who are already working in that world, be sure to talk to them. You will get very valuable insight into how companies work, what a working day looks like and the like. This way you will be able to prepare even better for the interview. And maybe one of them will recommend you to their employer. You also know what to expect, once you get the job, so be realistic about whether it all suits you.
4. Create a blog
A blog is the ideal ground training for you. As you edit your blog, you will learn everything you will need at work later. How to work in WordPress, then SEO rules, social media editing and the like. All this is closely related to marketing and these skills will help you significantly.
5. Try to be a freelancer
If you can’t find a job, try freelancing. Nowadays, it has become a very popular way of finding a job. Many people make money that way as if they have a full-time job. In any case, this way you will get at least a few jobs, which will mean something to you later because of the experience. There are many platforms, such as Fiverr, that specialize in freelancing.
6. Apply for a trainee position
Another great opportunity to get a job in the future, if you can’t find a full-time position right away. Most companies have trainee positions, and later mostly when they have a vacancy, they hire someone who has been trainee because he is already familiar with the company. Also, all this will mean a lot to you, because you will gain valuable experience. Even if that company doesn’t hire you later, it will be much easier for you to find a job elsewhere.
If you are thinking of pursuing a job in marketing, all these tips will be of great importance to you. And this is certainly a very promising field, so we think it’s more than a good decision to decide to build a career there.