Integration of something means combining two things to make one like combining a website and a payment gateway
Payment gateway integration is type of a service that is being implemented on one’s website or e-commerce business to pay for their products and making it easier for their customers to perform transactions directly from their site as it is integrated.
Choosing a Perfect Integration Method onto a Website
When deciding to integrate a payment gateway it is so important to choose a perfect method for it. So, there are four methods in general or mainly you can say which the following are.
1. Hosted Gateway
Requiring your customer to leave your website to complete the process of payment or transaction. It is one of the easiest ways to integrate the payment gateway as it does not require any PCI compliance. It is perfect for small or local businesses.
How to Integrate a Hosted Gateway Method?
To implement or integrate a hosted gateway, you’ll have to take a look at the guide at the vendor’s site or app where it is defined that how one can integrate such gateway. Mostly a snippet code is provided by the vendors when you place it in your code accordingly, which adds the functionality and activates the Rest API and it will keep the mechanism as per the vendor’s guidelines and making it process accordingly.
2. Direct Post Method
It is more kind of an advanced method of integration that allows a user or a customer to buy, purchase from an e-commerce store without leaving that website providing a facility to the customer that as soon as the customer or a user clicks or taps on the submission button then the data gets instantly to the processor and providing ease to the customer to stay on the same site which allows them to pay off or perform a transaction in a few minutes.
How to Integrate a Direct Post Gateway Method?
An API is provided by the vendor to set up the transaction gateway between the customer and the merchant. An API is an application programmable interface which enables the developers to make use of data that is being stored as an object in the database about a customer or a merchant or any specific information related to them.
It is perfect for all sizes of business and most importantly it is the most common payment gateway that is used all over the world just because it provides so much ease to the developers.
3. Vendors or Payment Gateway Provider
Choosing a method is not only enough to integrate the payment gateway the second step you can say or the thing that you have to do right after the election or the decision of the gateway method is choosing a payment provider, but ipaytotal.com is also one of the leading providers of payment integration so you can look into that as well.
As I’ve mentioned there are several service providers for the payment processing and every provider has different terms and condition which are to be followed to get the gateway. All of those providers have different pricing from each other as well the pricing which I’m talking about is the fee of
- Setting up the gateway
- Maintaining the gateway
- Monthly or lump sum fee license for the service
Mostly 60% of the providers who offer their services for such areas are used to provide a license to the organization, company, or bank which needs the service of them. The licensing depends upon the package that they’ve chosen and, there are different terms and conditions which are followed to get the package of your choice.
By different packages, I meant like opening an IBAN account, crypto processing, merchant accounts remotely. Each package and service and has its own worth packages and services from small business to medium and large scale are available at different costs.
4. Non-Hosted Method
Integrating a gateway using a non-hosted method might be complex for the developers as it also provides customizability and adding custom functionality that makes it elastic. Elastic means adjusting the gateway accordingly to the requirements as it has the advantage of being customizable.
How to Integrate a Non-Hosted Gateway Method?
It is similar to the direct post method but in this method, gateways are integrated through APIs on the server but most importantly it will require an expert team for such operation and integration.
It is perfect for a business on a medium or a large scale
By Obtaining the PCI DSS Compliance
PCI DSS means Payment Card Industry Data Security, Standard. It is a set of security standards that ensure that all the companies are performing their work related to transactions safely and securely.
As we are talking about integrating the payment gateway onto our website, therefore it is very much important for a site to choose a perfect and suitable payment gateway for their audience, clients, or customers accordingly. To get your transactions in processing such as of credit cards then you must be a PCI compliant to proceed it.
Accounts and Vendor Support
After all, you’ll have to choose between the account type such as merchant accounts, etc. And keeping it in a vision that your vendor supports you for that case like does your vendor supports you for doing that? like if there’s a merchant account opening make that vendor must have to make sure you’re not making any illegal money through it, therefore if you agree with that then the last step is the approval once it’s approved then you’re good to go. There’s always a risk for the vendor if the business is on a large scale or medium scale like I mentioned above about the involvement of illegal activities, which is why they require such strict conditions to get your account approved easily.
Many trusted vendors offer great services at low pricing like getting your account approved in 5 to 8 days or less than it.