One of the key elements in successful relationship counselling is resolving problems within each individual who is a party to the relationship. Difficulties often arise between two people because they have distinct and personal problems within their own lives which then translate into difficulties within the relationship. Here are some classic scenarios when individual difficulties can spill over into the bigger picture – brought to you by Caroline Bronte:
Bereavement – the loss of a parent or near relative for one person in the relationship can lead to overwhelming grief and a long-term depression or other psychological issues. This will inevitably impact on their partner
Redundancy or work stresses – we spend most of our lives working and the health or otherwise of our job situation has a huge impact on those around us, our nearest and dearest
Problems or trauma from the past, childhood issues, accidents – our past experiences inform our current behaviour both negatively and positively. Sometimes adverse issues from the past can overwhelm one person within a relationship causing damage
CBT can resolve many challenges and often relationship problems can stem more specifically from issues with just one individual. Here is how CBT can improve your life and help you to enjoy a better and more fulfilling relationship.
Loss of anxiety – social and anxiety disorders whatever their cause, will put a huge strain on any relationship. Learning how to manage panic and anxiety effectively will liberate a relationship and allow the focus to be on the collective and on positivity
Presence – CBT can help remove the distance and isolation that an unhappy or troubled person is suffering from and lead them to engage more fully with their partner
Improved mood – no-one wants a partner who is permanently unhappy and depressed, there is a limit to what someone else could or should do to lift your mood. Constant unhappiness within a relationship is very corrosive. Improved mood is very enabling both individually and within the pairing
Healthy sleep – CBT therapists can work with you to introduce healthy sleep patterns. No-one performs well in life after little sleep or interrupted nights and if this persists, it can be a life-changer and not in a good way. The Sleep Foundation work with CBT therapists to help offer relief from insomnia particularly when conventional routes such as medication or self-help have failed
Alcohol dependency – CBT is effective at working with people who have become alcohol dependent. Nothing will isolate you from your partner more than excessive alcohol consumption
By working on our own state of mind, we can, with the help of CBT, resolve complications and issues in our own private and working lives. These may be newly acquired or deep-rooted and long-standing. Being the best person you can be will give you the best relationship you can have. Sometimes relationships get into trouble not really because there are collective difficulties but because of issues with just one person.