Destiny arrives as a new challenge for all passionate players. Prepare beer, snacks, gather a team and jump right into a new fight. This fast and chaotic game will surprise you with the variety of strategies and team compositions it allows. At first, you may feel like you aren’t doing well, but if you want to triumph and become competitive, you must learn tricks that will help you improve your skills.
Even if you don’t want to get to the very top of the rankings, we’re sure you’d like to at least get closer to it. You will best test and improve your skills in PVP combat. Motives for participation can be different. From enjoying fighting other players to grabbing the very top. But for whatever reason, knowing the basics and additional tricks could help you get better every day. And who wouldn’t love that? And don’t things get even more interesting that way?
To support you, here are some basic tips to help you master the tricks. Although this experience isn’t completely adapted to beginners, with a little willpower you can quickly become a pro. You don’t have to trust us, just try the following tips to improve your skills and see the results. Let’s not wait any longer.
1. Don’t take your eyes off the minimap
It may not have seemed to you that one map could save your life and prevent you from becoming prey or that the map could become a good tool for gaining an advantage over your opponents. Well, believe it or not, it’s possible. what’s more, if you’ve ever wondered how your enemies spot and kill you so quickly, it’s because they were expecting your arrival. Wondering how? They are stalking you on the minimap all the time.
Well, make sure you use it to your advantage and don’t let that kind of nonsense get you out of the game. In this way, you can always follow the direction of the enemy’s movement or have an insight into where the fire battles are taking place. Remember, when you shoot first, you are already in the lead. Don’t hesitate, and use the map to develop the sixth sense for target identification.
2. Follow the game of PROs and get the best out of it
Killfeed is a useful ally in the right corner of the screen. Thanks to this option, you can clearly see which team is carrying out the murder, in which way, with which weapon, or with a super move. This is a great opportunity to steal some tricks from those who are currently better than you. And not only that, but you can also learn from other people’s mistakes.
And then start thinking. Do you have the right weapons? Is yours effective enough? What needs to change? Even if your teammates are being killed, go to that place and see how they were killed. Sometimes you have to let an enemy team win to learn something about the skills you want to acquire.
3. Understand the technique behind heavy pickups
Another feature of Killfeed that you can totally turn in your favor are the signs that indicate the moment when you need to pick up heavy ammunition. You can also see when another player picked it up. The ability to collect heavy ammunition in PVP modes is rare and players get it at intervals of a few minutes, so it should be used. When you understand who managed to pick it up, you will also know who has a big advantage over your other rivals.
Pay attention to how others do it. The lucky one, depending on the type of weapon he managed to pick up, can kill more of your teammates at once. In this case, it would be best to spread out on several sides, to reduce that possibility.
4. Think twice before choosing a weapon
Several groups and types of weapons are offered to you at the beginning and it’s up to you to make a wise choice. The first group consists of primary weapons, which include rifles, pulse rifles, and cannons. You have a lot of ammunition at your disposal, but with the least damage. The second group includes special weapons such as snipers and fusion rifles. They have the power to inflict more damage and are excellent in the fight against the Major. The third group consists of powerful weapons such as grenade launchers, machine guns, and swords, and its name speaks for itself.
Every shooter should have a target weapon. To know which ones to choose, you need to know its characteristics and the situations in which its use is most needed. One of the most important things you need to learn to survive in PVP combat is balancing the charge. Destiny leaves you the opportunity to pair a rifle and a fusion rifle so that you can hit the target from both a smaller and a greater distance. And not only that, you can find the best combination of weapons that suits your style of play.
5. Find boosting help
Sometimes you will feel lost and it will seem to you that nothing you have tried on your own will give the desired results. Don’t despair! There is still time to reach the top of the rankings. You haven’t tried everything yet. Your online friends won’t let you give up so easily when you’re so close.
There are online boosting services, which can help you equip yourself with the necessary weapons and skills and gain an advantage over your opponents. At lootservices.com they emphasize the importance of support at all times and availability via email and other means of communication. With a little money invested, you can get support and help that will get you to the very top.
6. Be careful with supers
The super armor, whose efficiency is measured b the amount of damage it can receive, is now quite mitigated. Wandering Superri like Fists of Havoc, Spectral Blades, and Daybreak can be disabled more easily than ever. However, to prevent such events and use super armor to make you a winner, you must learn to use it properly and strategically.
Don’t think that you are invincible if you stand in front of the whole enemy team with super armor. Trust us, you’ll be dead before you can imagine. A little tip, use it when your team has an advantage in the zone, to collect more points. So, act following the assessed situation. And don’t use this option until you’re sure you have the space to do so.
Act wisely and be sure that success won’t be left out!