How to Save your Time in 2024

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Time Flies!

Alas! Our generation cannot boast about such a desirable time control! Until this problem exists, we are forced to undertake serious measures to save our precious time. Our world is changing rapidly, or it is being changed fast, and we don’t even have time to get used to new realities. All our power is adjusted to solving ongoing issues. While we are doing so, a new reality comes. As a result, we have a continuum – the uninterrupted cycle we live in.

What should we do in this case? How can we snap this unbreakable time spell? Is it possible to disburden and stop wasting time? All these questions are quite hard and philosophic to answer them. However, humanity is always seeking solutions and there are some ideas and methods that can help us save time in order to manage to do more. If you feel that you need the 25th hour in your day, it is time to change your lifestyle. It seems that you have to start with:

Making A List

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Right, this option is the oldest story in the book. Nevertheless, even time hasn’t ruined it yet. Use your Google Calendar or another suitable planner to make lists and plan events properly. If you want to, you can use the old-fashioned way of writing everything down on paper, naturally.

Don’t omit anything. This will definitely help you sort all things out step-by-step and guarantees that you won’t miss the aim. Don’t be lazy and spend 15 minutes every day to make a plan of actions for your nearest future. It will definitely save you much more.


It is natural to set priorities and there is nothing wrong or ashamed if your priorities don’t coincide with other people’s ones. Things that really matter to you are important and you even have to set priorities among them. Of course, solve urgent issues and the most important ones. Don’t spread yourself too thin and check ‘your to-do list’. Later on, you can deal with less important things and other ongoing or supplement matters.

Well, if you can do a couple of things simultaneously, it’s up to you, especially if one of the tasks is very simple like picking up your clothes at dry cleaner’s or doing the washing up (we know who really does). We are talking here about things that could be done automatically. Have a go then! Otherwise, you are at risk.

Estimating Your Time

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As simple as that! It seems to be a good idea to estimate your time for every task to be done. This simple action helps to plan your day, week month, year, life properly. Thus, you realize how to prioritize duly as well

If you run out of limits, it’s time to speed up a bit in order not to ruin your perfect sequence of actions. It works vise versa too, so you can slow down a bit if you are coping with everything well. The time required to complete a task is usually recorded in minutes. Simple estimation works like magic.

Asking For Help

There is nothing wrong with asking for assistance. We cannot be good at everything. We are not talking about friendship straining, breach of faith, using your status within a family. We are talking about turning to professionals. So, if you don’t really know how to tinker about the house, it may be a good idea to ask for professional help.

It isn’t even wise to spend time puzzling out electric systems, wires,  and sockets if you know one good electrician. If you are a student, and you do not have enough time to write the assignment due to many obligations students have nowadays, you can turn to professional writing services such as If you spend too much time cooking, you know where to order nice food. Let professionals do their job! Naturally, it doesn’t mean you cannot ask your friends or family for help. If it is convenient for either party, such assistance can be used.

Being a ‘No’-Man

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Come on! You don’t have to be totally polite! Actually, you can’t be totally polite and tolerant of other people’s requests! Do you remember your priorities? It goes without saying that rejecting may be quite hard. Nevertheless, if you can imagine doing something more useful rather than just spending time doing things you don’t want to, it sounds acceptable to say no.

Just Cutting Down On You Know What!

Right! We are talking about our favorite social media and various supplements. Don’t even try to deny the overwhelming influence of new devices and services on your cracked time management! How much time have you been surfing the Internet? It is time to admit that all social networks consume an incredible amount of time.

Cutting down on using social media can suddenly release time! Of course, it is hard to control. Well, you could create your personal award system so that you could use social media after finishing a task without feeling guilty.

Asking Questions

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Don’t waste your time doing things you barely understand! If you need to do something, ask someone who knows. It is extremely important, and it really saves time. Next time before taking the wrong bus or doing what you think is necessary with your project, shopping, some solutions that affect many people apart from you, don’t be afraid of asking.

Fighting Procrastination

This might be your eternal unsolvable problem. Don’t let that happen! You must fight back desperately. Hopefully, everything you have planned is done on time and duly. If so, just finish your work half an hour earlier. Otherwise, you shouldn’t allow yourself to postpone things you can do now! This habit is one of the worst. If you have it, do everything possible to get rid of it!

A Final Warning!

Don’t forget about the time you are going to devote to your needs and pleasures. There must unquestionably be time for you! Your changed lifestyle can help to cope with all the issues you have planned to do as well as to save a couple of hours personally for you. You have only one life, so get your priorities right!