In this article, tips are given on how to reach town hall 12 as fast as possible. It is considered that the fastest you get to town hall 12 is better because more troops, more spells will be available, of course you will get to unlock all the upgrades in town hall 12.
It is best to remember that when you reach town hall 12, the town hall will attack back when it is under attack, so that is a crucial point on why you should get to town hall 12 as soon as possible.
Best way to upgrade town halls between 1-9
Before giving information about which parts of the base you should be upgrading first, let’s take a look at the best way to get supplies through TH1 to TH9. The best way to get resources, when you have a low town hall level, is by a tactic called BARCH.
It means using barbarians and archers. Until you reach TH9, you should level up your barbarians and archers as soon as possible. Use half barbarians and half archers for your troop. Send the barbarians in front of the archers so they can tank the archers and your archers’ takedown defenses. It is important that you find dead bases (Bases that have not been online for a while) to get as many resources as possible.
Upgrade these before you upgrade your Town Hall
To have a base that is strong, not only high in town hall level, there are some things you have to upgrade before upgrading the TH. Always firstly upgrade your troop camps, the more troops you have, the better. Secondly, upgrade your resources, every day when you log in, you will collect a lot of resources. Last but not least, upgrade your defenses.
Get five builders as soon as possible
This is the essential tip, the more builders you have, the quicker you can upgrade your town hall. Do not forget that before you upgrade your TH, always try maxing out your base; otherwise, it won’t be worth it.
Upgrade your barracks
It is essential that you upgrade your barracks because when you do so, the time it takes to make troops decrease, this is very vital as the quicker you make troops, the more raids you can make, thus gain resources way quicker than before. Be careful, don’t forget while the barracks are being upgraded, you cannot train troops.
Buy TH12 Clash of Clans Account
You will always have the chance to buy a TH12 account at clashofclansaccounts.com. You can skip the hassle of going through all the hard parts of the game and jump to the best part. When you buy an account, you will start to raid and get trophies, and it will only be a fun times for you.
Upgrade your Clan Castle
The higher your Clan Castle, the better, when you level up the Clan Castle, it enables you to take more troops from your clanmates, so it is essential that you do so. But if you need to upgrade your troops that are more important to do, first upgrade your offenses.
Join a high-level and active clan
If you want to rush your TH to level twelve as soon as possible, it is important to be in a high-level and active clan. The higher the level, the more benefits you will see from the clan, but at the same time, the clan must be active and send you the troops you have requested.
Keep one of the builders free
By keeping one of your builders free (not making them update anything), you will always have a chance to upgrade your walls if you get extra resources from raids. This way, you won’t have to think about and have the problem of your resource storage getting full and have nothing to build or upgrade.
After TH9, you should use these troops
After you have reached TH9, you won’t be able to use the BARCH tactic (read more), so now the best way to get resources from raids will be this combination of troops. The best combination is the queen walk and miners.
Have five healers, five wall breakers, and the rest should all be miners. Once your queen takes much of the defenses, send the miners in this is a pro tactic and should be trained. It is unstoppable at the moment of Clash of Clans when done right.