The influx of smart gadgets has eliminated the necessity to write things down the old-fashioned way: with a pen on a piece of paper. Some people have not written this way for a very long time – and they need some time to get used to it again. People would write more often if they realized the health benefits involved. Researchers have linked this simple exercise to a wide range of psychological benefits.
Here is an insight into some of the psychological and therapeutic benefits of writing according to professional writers at ThesisHelpers.
1. It Increases Happiness And Contentment
Are you in a bad mood? Perhaps you should write about whatever is bothering you. It will make you feel better!
Research conducted by Laura King has proven that writing helps improve one’s mood. Simply writing about your current thoughts and feelings will get your mind to let go of some of the load. That gives you fewer things to worry about and leaves you happier than before. Psychologists have also noted that writing about disturbing traumatic events has beneficial long-term effects; it may magnify the sadness and depression for now, but it also helps one come to terms with reality over time.
Writing about your goals and future desires also helps to make you happier and positive-minded. Taking notes about your aspirations down has a more significant effect than just thinking about them. It is symbolic; it relays intent and gives you something physical to hold on to in anticipation of a brighter future. It will help you forget your limitations and overcome them over time. Additionally, this can help get you out of hard times according to research by psychologist Adam Grant. Mr. Grant explains that unemployed people who often write down their thoughts and aspirations have better chances of landing jobs compared to those who don’t. The finding is viable as writing helps to boost motivation and self-confidence, thus making you a go-getter.
2. It Improves Mental Organization
Do you ever feel like you have too many thoughts running through your head? They are difficult to keep track of, right? You cannot keep yourself from conjuring new thoughts, but you have the power to manage and organize them. Writing is an easy and effective way to unleash this power.
Expressive writing is the act of noting down your thoughts and feelings. Putting your thoughts in words helps free them up and creates room to concentrate on other ideas. Once you have a visual aid of your thoughts, it becomes easier to organize and resolve them. You can focus on each idea, think it through thoroughly and come up with the best decision on the way forward. This benefit of writing is especially helpful for individuals with hyper-active thinking conditions. It will help keep them glued to the present and minimize the clutter in their heads.
3. It Improves Learning
Many students find it helpful to take short notes when learning. The act of writing down new information as if with the intent to teach it back later makes it easier to learn, understand, and remember.
Writing improves learning outside the classroom too. For instance, consider a businessman trying to figure out a solution to a problem. Writing the problem down will help him connect the dots better and come up with informed solutions. Someone trying to learn a new skill will also have an easier time doing so if they write down their experiences and revisit their notes occasionally. Writing also helps improve memory retention capacities. It is easier to remember something that you actually wrote down, and if you cannot remember, then you can always turn to your notes. It is especially recommended for people suffering from memory loss conditions such as dementia and Alzheimer’s diseases.
4. It Can Change Your Whole Life For The Better
Do you think your life could be better than it is? You can make it happen; you just need to believe in yourself and figure out the problem.
Many people are held back by their bad habits, and most do not even realize it. Writing about their daily experiences would be an eye-opener. It would enable them to highlight and revisit their mistakes during their times when they are most susceptible to conviction. Remember: writing improves morale and self-confidence, and this would come in handy in making better decisions for tomorrow.
Keeping track of your daily experiences will help you have a clear view of your life and encourage you to achieve more. It will keep you focused on the goal, and in the end, you will be a better person. Keep your notes for future reference; you may not believe how far you have come! Writing is a simple exercise that comes with many psychological and therapeutic benefits. As such, get yourself a journal and put your experiences, thoughts, and feelings on paper at the end of each day.