The gallbladder is an organ of the body that stores bile. During digestion, it squeezes bile into the small intestine via the common bile duct.
Therefore, taking care of our gallbladder is imperative for healthy digestion and to avoid risks of gallstone and other gallbladder-related issues. If you wish to improve your well-being and take care of your gallbladder, here’s a guide that can help you out:
Don’t eat too many fried foods
Your gallbladder will have to work more than necessary to digest fatty foods. Usually, fried foods contain a high level of saturated fat that increases cholesterol in the blood. So, it’s not an exaggeration to say that eating fried foods most of the time is a one-way ticket to having gallstones.
Aside from saturated fat, fried foods are also loaded with calories which can quickly increase weight. According to a study, people who consume fried foods four or more times weekly have a 37% more likelihood of becoming obese or overweight than individuals who consume less.
Do not skip meals
Eating your meals consistently is another way to keep your gallbladders healthy. Since the gallbladder releases bile every time you eat, skipping meals build up bile. When this happens, the cholesterol level in your gallbladder will increase.
Fats become harder over time. It will turn into gallstones when neglected. However, some bile acids alleviate the risk of gallbladder cancer.
Once you are diagnosed with having gallstones, undergoing gallbladder surgery in London is inevitable. Reputable gallstones London surgeons like those from londonsurgicalgroup.co.uk are the ones you can trust.
Choose whole grains
Eating whole grains can help you preserve the health of your gallbladder. This is because whole grains have lots of rough fibre that can reduce bad cholesterol. As mentioned earlier, it’s essential to regulate the cholesterol level in the body to keep gallstones away.
Also, fibre helps the digestive system function efficiently, transporting and excreting bile from the body. So, try adding more foods high in fibre to your diets, such as whole-grain bread, brown or wild rice, and pasta.
Consume more veggies and fruits
Fresh fruits and vegetables can benefit the body, including your gallbladder. First, fruits and vegetables are loaded with vitamins such as vitamin E and C. These vitamins reduce the risk of gallstones by protecting your gallbladder.
Additionally, both contain lots of fibre and water. It makes you feel full and stay satiated for a longer time, helping with weight loss.
Eat berries, kiwi, and peppers as snacks
These mouth-watering fruits contain high levels of vitamin C. It is said that people who consume more vitamin C have lower chances of having gallstones and other gallbladder diseases than those who consume less.
According to experts, cholesterol in the bile becomes higher when the body has low vitamin levels. The recommended daily amount of vitamin C that women should take is 75 milligrams and 90 milligrams for men. Try cantaloupes, broccoli, and citrus fruits if you are not fond of eating berries, kiwis, and peppers.
Avoid crash diets
Don’t get yourself into a suicidal diet for drastic weight loss. Losing weight tremendously in a short period could harm your gallbladder and heart. The reason is that losing lots of weight in a short period hinders the gallbladder from emptying bile properly. As mentioned earlier, this situation can lead to gallstones.
If you aim to lose weight, do it safely by shedding around 1 to 2 pounds every week. Follow a healthy diet and exercise to slim down naturally.
Maintain a healthy weight
Obesity and being overweight increase a person’s likelihood of having gallstones. According to a study, obesity increases your chance of getting gallstones three times. The reason lies in the excess weight that enlarges and damages the bladder and increases the cholesterol in the blood. It is particularly true for people with more fats around the waist than the thighs and hips.
Drink a lot of water
A person has to drink at least eight glasses of water daily. While not everyone requires that much, getting less than the body needs negatively affects the gallbladder. This is because water plays a vital role in emptying the organ. It also helps to prevent bile from building up, which is one of the reasons why a person gets gallstones and other gallbladder-related problems.
Drink one glass of alcohol
According to a study, alcohol can reduce the possibility of having gallbladder cancer and gallstones. It is because one glass of beer or wine a day can increase levels of good cholesterol in the body. So make sure to limit your alcohol intake to one glass for better results. Besides, drinking more than that could have an adverse effect on the gallbladder.
Swap in olive oil
Aside from its benefit for heart health, olive oil is also beneficial for the gallbladder. It contains a good amount of unsaturated fat that triggers emptying of the gallbladder. You can use olive oil when cooking as a healthier alternative to butter. Nuts, fatty fish like salmon, and avocados are good sources of healthy fats.
Be active
Engage in more physical activities to boost your mood and burn more calories. It also helps to protect your gallbladder. A 30-minute workout is ideal, and working out five days a week can help you reap benefits.
Limit eating cheese, meat, and butter
Dairy foods and meat contain saturated fat, increasing cholesterol in the body. If you keep eating butter, cheese, and meat without limit, you might end up getting gallstones. Instead of lard and butter, go for foods with unsaturated fats like vegetables and fish.
Switch toward a vegetarian diet
An increasing number of individuals are switching to a plant-based diet to be healthier. As mentioned earlier, fresh produce contains low levels of saturated fat but is high in fibre. It provides benefits for the body, including protection against gallstones and gallbladder diseases.
If you can’t follow the vegetarian diet completely, you can do it at least once a week. The vegetarian diet is meat-free, but vegetarian foods are delicious. It includes bean burritos, tofu stir-fry, vegetable and cheese pizza, falafel wrap, etc.
In closing, follow the guide above to lessen the risk of gallstones. Your diet and lifestyle can affect your health.