For decades, workforce members were forced to contend with inflexible schedules imposed upon them by their employers. Not only was this conducive to stress and professional burnout, it often left workers with little time to focus on themselves and their loved ones. However, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, many employers have provided employees with greater control over their schedules – which has proven highly beneficial to businesses and workers alike. So, if you’re interested in giving your workers greater control over their respective schedules, consider the following pointers.
Remote Work
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, many employers had nothing but negative things to say regarding remote work. In their minds, working from home hindered productivity and encouraged employees to neglect their regular job duties. However, as many workers and businesses came to discover throughout the pandemic, the opposite is generally true. Instead of slacking off and neglecting to meet deadlines, remote workers thrived in the safety and comfort of home.
Unsurprisingly, now that many employers have begun calling employees back to the office, workers have been apprehensive about returning to the way things were. Many people are understandably hesitant to dive back in after seeing how unnecessary formal workplaces and traditional workweeks are. So, if you’re expecting your workforce to embrace the pre-pandemic way of doing things again, it may be time to reassess.
Remote work has proven ideal for people with families to care for and workers who struggle with physical and mental health issues. Additionally, for many workers, not having to deal with cumbersome commutes or office politics has taken a lot of the stress out of the work experience.
Virtual Conferencing
Meetings and conferences are among the reasons many businesses need help to embrace remote work. The people in charge of these enterprises believe workers must be present in a formal workplace to communicate effectively with higher-ups and coworkers. However, while this concern is somewhat understandable, it isn’t warranted. With so many advances in communication technology, not being physically present in the exact location is no longer a hindrance to attending meetings or staying in touch with colleagues.
For starters, there’s no shortage of virtual meeting apps, most of which are far from the teleconferencing of decades past. Furthermore, several digital learning platforms contain cutting-edge conferencing software. So, if you utilize learning platforms to educate and train employees, there’s a good chance you have access to the software mentioned above. Additionally, if you’re currently in the market for a dependable learning platform, consider the benefits of headless LMS over traditional LMS.
Hybrid Workweeks
In recent years, many businesses have begun experimenting with hybrid workweeks. Although the exact mechanics vary from company to firm, mixed weeks generally involve spending three days at the office and two days working remotely. So, if you’re currently on the fence about allowing remote work, hybrid workweeks can be a great compromise and give you – and your employees – a taste of what going fully remote would look like. Should you discover that hybrid weeks don’t result in decreased productivity or missed project deadlines, embracing remote work is the natural next step.
Incorporating hybrid workweeks becomes particularly effective with tools like Baluu, an easy-to-use booking system. Platforms like those can streamline the transition for businesses that rely on scheduling events, classes, or appointments. Whether in the office or working remotely, your team can coordinate schedules and manage client bookings without a hitch. They offer a premium booking experience for customers while reducing the time and costs associated with administration. This ensures that, even with the flexibility of hybrid weeks, productivity remains high and businesses can operate smoothly, proving that the right digital tools can make hybrid models a resounding success.
Let Employees Decide
Allowing employees to decide how much time they spend at the office and how much time they spend working from home can prove beneficial to both you and your staff. Instead of placing so much importance on where employees choose to do their work or how many work hours they rack up, there should be an increased focus on meeting work quotas and deadlines. If there’s no trouble on either of those fronts, imposing strict work hours or requiring employees to report to the office daily is simply pointless.
Thanks to technological advances and an ever-evolving job market, traditional work schedules are vastly becoming obsolete. As many workers and businesses came to realize at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, schedule flexibility doesn’t have to result in decreased output or productivity. In fact, in many cases, it’s just the opposite. Employers who are looking to put this to the test would do well to heed the advice outlined above.