Writing can be viewed as a verbal production skill, where you manufacture the text to meet a demand of integrated performance of discourse to make it effective and with a purpose.
One of the few characteristics of effective writing is that it should be intelligible, clear, concise, accurate and cohesive. Whatever you write should be unambiguous and uncomplicated so that your ideas reach out to your audience and they grasp it effortlessly.
There are resources available online to assist you in your writing enhancement such as wowessays.com, they have a team of professional writers who will mentor you in your writing adventure.
Try to construct sentences that represent your ideas, avoid overly formal ways to impress the readers. Do not astray from your current topic.i.e., what your essay or writing is about.
Focus on the reality at hand and not on your mere observation.
However, a good start with well-constructed sentences may not be enough. Make sure that the sentences are readable and do not strain the readers’ short-term memory. Examine if you can replace long pieces of text with shorter sentences or get rid of fancy words without losing the accuracy and logic.
Here some important elements of drafting elaborated that includes specifically how to use verbs and the mechanics that is imperative for an effective writing.
Important elements of an effective writing
1. Use of appropriate verbs
Do not overuse the power of verbs. Verbs are an important part of speech that contributes a fair amount in expressing your thoughts and ideas precisely. Make sure you choose an appropriate verb and use it in the correct tense and avoid swinging between verb forms.
We know that verbs are action words that describe action, occurrences or state. Do not conceal the action or state in a noun using a weak verb, this will make your clause lose its strength. Verbs act as a kind of stimulus that gives a clause its full strength, provided it is used accurately.
2. Choose between active and passive voice
Verbs used can be expressed in active or a passive voice. The active voice focuses on the subject, whereas, passive voice focuses on the object of the sentence.
Avoid swaying between verb forms
The sentence should be constructed carefully, using a verb form with an expressed or implied subject. Using a non-finite form of a verb or a participle means that it implies the subject of the clause. In such cases, you need to be very careful to avoid the clause seeming detached or out of place.
3. Mechanics
While you are in the process of drafting, attend to the mechanics of English writing, such as:
- Use appropriate abbreviations
- Writing of numbers following the rules
- Capitalizing words
- Using hyphens correctly
- Punctuating the text
Important features of effective writing
Some salient features of effective writing are described to help you sharpen your writing skills.
1. Thesis
You need to establish a thesis or the topic first depending on your writing task. If you withdraw from the subject matter, your focus is debilitated. You must determine a focus and stick to it throughout your organisational plan of your writing method.
If your reader fails to establish an understanding of the subject matter, that means you are unable to establish a focus or a thesis. If your message is successfully delivered to the reader that means you have established an effective focus.
2. Organisation
The composition should be well-organised, unified and complete. This demonstrates the progression and purpose of ideas or events forming a beginning, middle and an end.
3. Supportive statements
Be supportive of the subject matter, the details you are providing must be relevant to the focus of the response. The supportive statements form the extension of the thesis. The ideas you present in your elaboration must be powerful and with clarity. The specific details exhibit strength in the response.
Avoid redundancy, and the repetitive statements and phrases. Insufficient elaboration indicates the undeveloped details.
4. Grammatical Conventions
It includes the correct sentence formation i.e. use of appropriate verbs, and tenses, proper usage of mechanics. You must have full command over the grammatical conventions that are required of the writing task.
An effective writing contains active and strong verbs, specific nouns, and a clarifying modifier, that is a word, clause or a phrase. All of these help the writer to communicate the message to his reader.
Avoid glitches and errors in the content as it causes hindrance to the reader’s understanding of the message conveyed by the writer.
5. Sentence Fluency
Your writing style is your grip on the language and how you use it. Your writing style should be according to your readers’ preference and needs. Your choice of words and fluency represent your writing style.
Sentence fluency is the basis of effective writing, it makes the writing flow smoothly from one sentence to the next sentence. Effective writing has a rhythm to it and is captivating for the readers.
6. Voice
In an effective writing, the personality of the writer shines through the emotions and ideas he imparted in his writing. The readers can hear the writer’s voice, indicative of the fact that they can relate to the writer and that the writer cares about his readers’ needs and preferences.
Remember the fact that writing rarely comes easily. So do not give up quickly and just stick to the habit of practicing and writing a lot. To be an accomplished writer you need to give your best and put in the hard work.
In the beginning, not everything you write will be a great piece of work, you just have to keep on writing to polish your writing skills. Learn to enjoy writing, in the process you will learn the basics and gradually with consistent practice, you will soon master all the basics of writing. These basics are imperative especially to academic and professional writing.
Try to be persuasive, as effective writers with their persuasive powers inspire the readers with their words.
The writing that captivates its reader is marked as effective.