It is entirely normal to want to host an event that your guests will never forget. However, wanting to go for an unforgettable event and delivering results through effort and preparation are two different things. Many people with aspirations of organising and hosting a fantastic event have quite a challenge ahead of them — especially for those tasked with leading a large event.
Fortunately, even if it seems like stress and anxiety go hand in hand with event planning, you can get the job done without tearing your hair out in the process. If you are willing to put the work into organising a party that nobody will forget, it is nowhere near impossible to achieve. Here are some ways you can plan an incredible event efficiently, all the while reducing stress and anxiety!
The Initial Planning Process
The most crucial part of organising an event comes with the planning process, as it includes many different aspects that could make or break any party. Fortunately, many of these aspects can be changed in the middle of the preparation process, so it’s never a bad idea to have an open mind about the whole thing. The initial planning process includes:
- The theme. Perhaps the most important part of the event planning process, looking into the many themes you can use comes with all manner of benefits. For example, going for a theme ensures that you have a plan of action, and it can make thinking of various parts of an event much easier to achieve. The choice of the theme also means potentially hiring services that can move things along. For example, www.wearetricycle.co.uk specialises in events that focus on fairgrounds, which is often an unusual enough choice that it could potentially turn into a fantastic event.
- The venue. Once you have chosen the theme for your event, it’s time to choose the right venue! Fortunately, the choice of theme helps narrow down the choices for the venue, which is why it is so important to go for a theme first. Even if you are not planning on a theme, a large event would benefit greatly from it. The choice of venue will also depend greatly on how many people you expect to attend the event. Typically, some venues offer a package deal
- The budget. Naturally, people looking to organise and host an event will have to consider the necessary budget to get the job done, and it is typically a stressful process. That said, there are plenty of venues and event-planning professionals that are reasonably priced, allowing event planners to breathe a sigh of relief without necessarily breaking the bank.
- Publicity and overall promotion. With much of the initial planning process out of the way, the next thing to consider would be how to get the word out. Depending on whether the event is invitation-only or otherwise, you might want to market it through social media channels. Social media is also an excellent means of reminding guests of the upcoming event.
While it can be quite stressful to deal with the pre-planning process, the crucial thing is to pace yourself to ensure that you have enough time to deal with the details. If the event is time-sensitive and you do not have enough time to get everything you need, focus on what you can accomplish. There is no reason to stress yourself out trying to get the job done, especially with event planning. After all, the higher the stress levels, the easier it is to make mistakes that could potentially cause an event to tank.
Do not bother multitasking
One of the biggest tips to ensure that you do not accidentally make a mistake is to avoid multitasking at all costs. When you develop a timeline for your event, it is crucial to take things one step at a time. Focus on a single step and accomplish it before moving on to the next step. Trying to do things simultaneously can be quite challenging, and it isn’t recommended as it adds to the overall risk. The only time you should consider multitasking would be if it includes double-checking the venue and the entertainment. Otherwise, taking things one step at a time is the easiest way to guarantee the success of your event.
Do not forget to take a breather
It’s a shame that of all the things event organisers tend to neglect, their health is one of the most common. It’s also the reason why people say that stress goes hand in hand with event planning. The truth is, many organisers simply do not take the time to take care of themselves — which results in plenty of issues. The worst time to start making decisions is when you haven’t had a good night’s sleep in days. Keep in mind that no matter how much you might want to speed things along, it can be challenging to make the right decisions when you lack sleep and rest.
Have a bit of fun with it
Last but certainly not least, it always helps to add a fun little spin on various activities when event planning, as it can help ease much of the stress. Don’t be afraid to experiment and have a little fun. Once again, this is just one of the many reasons why it is crucial to go with a theme, as it allows you plenty of possibilities to have a bit of fun. Whether it has to do with planning out unique activities and entertainment or taking advantage of your creative prowess for a particular activity, it’s never a bad idea to have fun be one of the core tenets of the event. Even business-related events could use a bit of fun here and there!
An unforgettable event is one that you’re able to successfully manage without succumbing to the stress. If you want to be as efficient as possible, using the various tips above can ensure that you plan out the best possible event for you and your guests.