Take an afternoon stroll in any big city in the US, and you will notice two things in people’s hands- smartphones, and increasingly vaping devices. This reflects a global change.
Vaping is a global phenomenon. The number of people vaping worldwide is set to reach 55 million by 2024. As more and more people discover it as an alternative to cigarettes, the market will continue to grow, and with it the variety of vaping products. This includes the range of non-nicotine options to choose from.
While the market share for non-nicotine products is smaller than for nicotine products, these innovations are taking the market in new directions. In this article, we’ll look at how the vaping industry is evolving and what is the future on non-nicotine vaping products.
Nicotine Vaping Trends
As we mentioned earlier, vaping is a global phenomenon. However, it is centered primarily around a few core markets — the largest being the US. Countries in Europe, primarily the UK, France, and Germany, follow closely behind. Other countries with a growing vaping community include China, Russia, and South Africa.
The majority of people vaping use nicotine-infused vape juice. It was originally seen as a healthier alternative to smoking and as a means of quitting smoking. It’s easy to understand the attraction that vaping has over a cigarette for health conscious consumers. Also, nicotine pouches are a new class of tobacco product which is employed similar to a kind of smokeless tobacco pocket.
Cigarettes contain 7,000+ chemicals. When you smoke a cigarette you are inhaling a noxious mixture of smoke and tar. Every smoker will be aware of the link between smoking and cancer. Meanwhile, vaping juice is made up of four primary ingredients; water, nicotine, flavors, and a vegetable glycerine base or propylene glycol.
When you inhale a vape you are primarily breathing in a mixture of water vapour, and oils. It’s obvious looking at the ingredients, and considering the way you consume the two products that vaping is a healthier alternative to smoking.
According to a study conducted in the UK, more than half (54%) of vapers were ex-smokers. Many of these people were looking for a way to quit smoking, or a healthy alternative to smoking. Of the remaining 46%, 40% smoke and vape, and just 6% have never smoked.
When considering the data, it is evident that the majority of the vaping market will be focused on nicotine related products. In much the same way, the majority of the cigarette industry is focused on regular cigarettes.
Nicotine vapes are addictive. However, there is a growing demand for alternatives to nicotine vape juice. In the remainder of this article, we’ll look at some of the nicotine alternatives that are attracting vapers.
Vaping Essential Oils
Vaping essential oils is part of a trend that attracts health conscious vapers. These vapes use a combination of essential oils, water, and glycerin to create a cloud of vapor. People who vape essential oils are reporting a range of benefits and use them for their claimed medicinal, holistic, and recreational properties.
More and more vapers are enjoying this emerging trend. You can check out VitaminVape for more information on vaping essential oils.However, medical experts have highlighted some dangers associated with vaping essential oils. For example, essential oils are volatile compounds when heated over 150-180 degrees. As such, you need to use a vaporizer with a heating element that does not exceed these temperatures.
Vaping Cannabis
The legalization of marijuana and cannabidiol (CBD) oil in many countries and some US states, has resulted in many vendors selling CBD vape oil. Although there is still a long way to go towards an entirely problem-free CBD oriented business, the trends show that more companies are becoming active in this niche.
However, vaping CBD oil is probably one of the most contentious alternatives to nicotine. In the US, 1,600 people have suffered from vaping related illnesses. Of the 34 people who died, 84% used THC vaping products.
For consumers it’s not easy to be sure, that CBD products contain what they claim. Some states do a better job of testing products than others. The nine states that have legalized both the recreational and medical use of cannabis do require testing of products before they can be sold.
Products ordered online may receive less oversight than store-bought ones, making their purity and potency less certain. There are some steps you can take. For example, look for companies located in states that have legalized the recreational and medical use of cannabis, since they tend to have stricter standards. Other companies post test results, a Certificate of Analysis, online.
Energy Vapes
Vaping caffeine and other energizers (guarana, taurine, and ginseng) are popular. Coffee vapes are also being marketed as a way to skip the morning brew or an alternative to an energy drink. Part of the appeal is a faster and some would argue more controlled “hit.”
However, just like with energy drinks, medical professionals have expressed concerns about the health impacts of vaping such products, specifically regarding cardiac and heart rhythm issues.
Vaping Vitamins
Since 2014 there have been some companies that aim to provide a safer, better vaping experience. Vitamin vapes were immediately lauded for their nicotine-free, vitamin-laden formulas and captured attention with the idea that nutrition could be just a puff away.
Inhaling your vitamins and deliver them directly into the bloodstream is claimed to be more efficient than to take vitamins orally. However, not all vitamins are suitable for vaping.
Concluding Thoughts
While the vaping market will always be dominated by nicotine, many people are seeking alternatives. As this article has pointed out, there is a vaping trend moving beyond nicotine. Options like energy, vitamin, and other vapes have a following.
When navigating vaping options, regardless of it is nicotine or not, it is essential to check what you are vaping. Research the ingredients, and buy from trusted sellers. By following user guidelines and staying informed, you not only reduce any risks of negative consequences, but also you can have a more pleasurable experience.