College studies are strenuous. They often take a toll on students’ physical and mental capacity to keep up with the never-ending assignments, tight deadlines, frequent exams, and college events. Many students find that listening to music helps them succeed in their college studies.
The arts are generally known to have indirect positive effects on people’s performance in other, unrelated areas of activity. Art therapy is just one example with demonstrable results in tackling medical problems, stress, and anxiety. As a form of art, music is no exception.
There are multiple benefits associated with listening to music. They range from improved memory and better learning to less anxiety and better mood. When it comes to college studies, students often look for ways in which they can make the learning environment more conducive to effective and stress-free studying. Music has the power to create such conditions.
We review several benefits of listening to music that help you with your college studies. It would be naive to assume that listening to music makes you better educated, but it certainly creates the right ambiance.
Better mood
Music is known to help reduce the level of cortisol in your body. This is a hormone that is responsible for high levels of stress. Instead, it increases dopamine levels, which are associated with feelings of greater happiness and gratification. You just need to find the kind of music that has that sort of effect on your mindset and emotional state.
This is an important factor, especially when students start getting busier with their exams. This is the time when college studies reach a crescendo. Hence, students need to get the most out of their brains and experience to prepare for and pass college exams successfully. To pull out all the stops, you can listen to the type of music you enjoy most as a great way of mobilizing and concentrating on the upcoming exams.
Some studies have shown that students listening to music on a regular basis become better at solving problems. While the direct impact on their improved cognitive skills might be arguable, music clearly has a soothing effect on people’s mental state. In turn, this puts them in a relaxed frame of mind that helps mobilize their intellectual potential and resources to address the issues at hand.
By contrast, research has found that people with negative feelings are far worse at analyzing and solving problems because the emotions induce them to focus on stress and anxiety. It is difficult to strike the right note when emotions run high.
Good problem-solving skills are particularly important for students who deal with complex and time-sensitive college assignments. Many of them use the services of GrabMyEssay to get their essays written by professional and experienced writers who can do the job at reasonable prices, ensuring high quality, providing original content, and meeting tight deadlines.
Better sleep
Music is not just relaxing, it also helps you sleep better. Most students would agree that without proper rest and sleep it is near impossible to sustain the stamina and energy levels necessary for proper academic performance.
People with broken or disrupted sleep patterns are usually more grumpy and irascible, which can only aggravate their anxieties. Listening to the type of music you enjoy most makes it easier to get a good night’s sleep before you get down to your studies.
Many students use meditation as a way of concentrating their capacities, controlling emotions, and mobilizing their intellectual and emotional strength to achieve continued progress in their studies. Meditation music is known to have a direct positive impact on your mental and physical health. There is a wide variety of meditation music you can choose from. You can also use different pieces to avoid getting bored.
Some students go one step further by translating songs from one language to another. Many of them argue that music translation is a form of meditation that helps with concentration and intellectual stimulation. It is definitely worth a try.
Health benefits
Studies have also found that people listening to music on a regular basis have stable blood pressure, maintain a normal resting heart rate, and lower their stress levels. All of these are very important factors in achieving the kind of equilibrium, which is essential for sustaining a high level of academic performance. You can increase the overall benefits if you are able to add music to your workout sessions too.
It should not be surprising that music is also known to be a great boost to one’s creativity and imagination. It is particularly helpful when you have to think out of the box, push the envelope, or challenge established norms and assumptions.
College studies are an important challenge for students who aspire to achieve an outstanding level of academic performance. It is of course important to excel in one’s studies, be diligent and disciplined, avoid procrastination, and follow tutors’ instructions and guidance. Students faring well with their studies follow these practices consistently. But they also need help to achieve and sustain continued progress.
Many students find that by listening to music they create conditions propitious for effective and successful studies. By choosing the kind of music that has a relaxing, soothing, and revitalizing effect on your mind and body, you create the right environment for learning.
It’s not worth overestimating the role of music in your overall academic achievement, but it certainly has a role to play in giving you the right motivation and a frame of mind focused on your overall success.
Michael Carr has a long and proven track record in studying correlations between educational achievements and the arts. He has taken a particular interest in the impact of music on students’ college studies. Michael’s regular and inspiring reviews have helped many students to enjoy the indirect benefits of reading literature, listening to music, and even trying their luck in some artistic projects.