15 Best Documentaries About Cryptocurrency to Watch in 2024

Img source: bitcoinist.com

Bitcoin and Blockchain are here to stay, similar to what happened to the Internet in the 1990s.

If you still do not know the reasons why many investors spend billions of dollars daily to acquire it, an excellent documentary can help you get an in-depth insight into this popular form of digital money. Also, you can check the cryptoengine.app and get some valuable info on the subject.

1. The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin

The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin | Official Trailer (2014)

The documentary tells the story about the early years of the ecosystem through the most significant figures at the time. Those characters were involved in the “greatest socio-economic experiment ever conducted.”

This documentary recounts the skyrocketing of the Bitcoin ecosystem. The characters such as the Gemini founders, Gavin Andresen and Mark Karpeles, were interviewed.

It is one of the best chronicles about the fall of the black market of Silk Road and the closure of Mt. Gox.

2. Bitcoin: The End of Money as We Know It

Bitcoin: The End of Money As We Know It (Trailer)

This documentary tells the story of the technological innovation patterns, those that gave way to the Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

It lasts 60 minutes and is directed by the Australian Torsten Hoffmann, who exposes how the financial scheme works.

One hundred sixteen sponsors invested in this production, and it was through the Kickstarter crowdfunding platform.

3. Banking on Bitcoin

Banking On Bitcoin - TRAILER

It follows the ideological battle between marginal utopians and conventional capitalism. The film shows what this extraordinary technology is and the participants who are struggling to define how it will shape people’s lives.

4. Bitcoin Gospel

The Bitcoin Gospel | VPRO documentary (2015)

“The Gospel of Bitcoin” is an indie movie of the year 2015, and it tries to answer the questions about whether the cryptocurrency is a model for banks or a pyramid scheme and the ability to generate money without traditional banking. Bitcoin Gospel explains the benefits behind Bitcoin as money that cannot be falsified, that is not depreciated, and that can be used worldwide at a low cost.

The short film directed by Hans Busstra belongs to the Indigenous Films studio and can be found on Amazon Prime.

5. The Bitcoin Experiment

The Bitcoin Experiment - Trailer

This film lasts just over half an hour. It is filmed with a drone in the Scandinavian region – Norway, Sweden, and Denmark, where people related to Bitcoin are interviewed, such as users, government officials, lawyers, and skeptics, to testify about cryptocurrency and Blockchain in general.

The documentary is directed by Pal Karlsson and belongs to the Syndicate studio.

6. Magic Money

Magic Money - The Bitcoin Revolution (Trailer - Documentary)

The film chronicles global financial instability and why countries like the United Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates are preparing for 2017 to adopt Bitcoin as a new world of money. The documentary talks about a future where money control is taken from global institutions and returned to people.

The length of the documentary is about 55 minutes. It is a creation of the Journeyman Pictures studio. It is directed by Tim Delmastro and has cast actors Tone Vays and Roger Ver of Bitcoin Cash.

7. The Bitcoin Story

The Bitcoin Story (Official Trailer)

Starring Gavin Andresen, Peter Vessenes, and Bennet Hoffman, The Bitcoin Story tells a series of quick conversations about how Bitcoin works, core technology, libertarian politics, and the prospects of transforming financial services.

Bhu Srinivasan directed the documentary, and it has a duration of 35 minutes. The studio in charge of production was Janson Media.

8. The Bitcoin Phenomenon

The Bitcoin Phenomenon (trailer)

Set in 2008, The Bitcoin Phenomenon is a documentary that explains the arguments published in Satoshi Nakamoto’s first article about Bitcoin, which the “anonymous idealist” described as “a digital currency or an online payment system.”

The documentary stars prominent crypto space figures such as Erik Voorhees of Coinapult, Bennet Hoffman of Buttercoin, Fred Ehrsam of Coinbase, Gavin Andresen of Bitcoin Core, and Angela Keaton of Antiwar .com.

9. Ulterior States

Ulterior States [IamSatoshi Documentary]

The ulterior State is a production of IamSatoshi, an argumentative documentary project. Winner of the 2018 Micro-Budget Feature award at the Berlin Independent Film Festival, the film answers the question that many members of the ecosystem have asked themselves: Can Bitcoin mark the beginning of revolutionary innovations within an obsolete currency, commerce and payments systems?

The commitment that saturates through the lens in many parts of the film exposes how Bitcoin adopters want to explore, probe and, to show the world, something important, that would otherwise be overlooked.

10. The Blockchain and Us

The Blockchain and Us (2017) Official Trailer #1

The Blockchain and Us is a synopsis that explores the story behind the beginnings of the Blockchain supported by interviews with software developers, cryptologists, entrepreneurs, consultants, venture capitalists, and authors from North America, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and Australia.

The short film was released in 2017 with a duration of 31 minutes. It is directed and written by Manuel Stagars, with the performance of the same director accompanied by David Pirch and Perianne Boring.

11. Bitcoin Blockchain and Black Liberation

[TRAILER] Bitcoin Blockchan & Black Liberation

With a duration of 60 minutes, this feature film released by the BitMari Foundation with the BitcoinFilm.org organization shows the story of how Zimbabwean women farmers have empowered their lives as part of the Blockchain accelerator program for AgriTech agriculture.

12. Bitcoin

Img source: coindesk.com

It is a comic film that tells the story of Ted, a father who, after losing his job, decides to convert all his money into bitcoins with the help of his brother to save his family.

The film directed by Christina Kashmir has been in pre-production since 2017, with a delay of one year for its release. The story was written by Brent Craft and Eddie Klein, which counts William O’Leary and Jeremy Klein among its protagonists as their main actors.

13. Life on Bitcoin

Life on Bitcoin Official Trailer 2017

Austin and Beccy Craig star in the documentary Life on Bitcoin, a narrative of a marriage that shows the challenges of buying everything you need to live for three months only with Bitcoin in 2013.

The documentary shows Austin’s educational side towards many people in a year where the terms wallet, cryptocurrency, and Bitcoin were unknown to most. The short film was broadcast on the controversial VidAngel streaming website in 2017, although it was released in 2015.

14. New Money: The Greatest Wealth Creation Event in History

New Money: The Greatest Wealth Creation Event in History (2019) - Full Documentary

It is a documentary released by the legendary investor Steve Sjuggerud through his research studio Stansberry Research and directed by John Laurence. It shows the history within China as a source of more millionaires and billionaires than anywhere else in the world thanks to investments in companies technology and the explosion of digital payments.

It was recorded in the beautiful Chinese area of Shenzhen in 2019, and it lasts longer than one hour, where the wealth around the digital payment ecosystem, mining, can be observed from own and strangers and trading for the generation of 2 new billionaires every week according to the BBC.

15. From Bitcoin to Hashgraph: The Crypto Revolution

From Bitcoin To Hashgraph - The Crypto Revolution - Mike Maloney

It is a documentary released within the Hidden Secrets of Money episodes of Mike Maloney. The film is about the evolution of cryptocurrencies and the technology for complete distributed registration, and how they will change the world.

According to the author, it is the easiest way for average people to understand what cryptocurrencies are and how they work, as well as to show the power of Blockchain technology.

It was launched in December 2017 by GoldSilver, an investment firm focused on the custody and distribution education of precious metals owned by Mike Maloney, host of Hidden Secrets of Money, and successful author of book sales dedicated to investment in metals.

The film lasts about 75 minutes and is framed within episode number 8 of the series Hidden Secrets of Money, where it presents influential guests of the Bitcoin space such as Jeff Garzik, Andreas Antonopoulos, Trace Mayer, Chris Ellis, Jeffrey Tucker, among others.

The film was directed by Dan Rubock and presented by Michael Maloney.