Decorating the interior of your living space is not an easy task. People need to understand that following the latest trends is not always a good idea. You need to design your rooms in a way that will make you feel comfortable and relaxed. One of the options that you have to reach that goal is to use paint-by-number artwork.
This type of decoration is good for many reasons. However, to reach your goal, there are two things you need to take care of. For starters, you need to find the appropriate paint-by-number kit. If that seems like a problem, then we suggest you check out Paintbynumberonline.com after reading this article. There you will manage to find all the necessary pieces that will turn your idea into reality.
However, the second thing you need to take care of is more challenging. You will have to through a couple of stages to decorate all the details. Because of that, it is essential that you gather all the necessary tips before you start this creative journey.
Luckily, in this article, you can find a few tips for decorating your room walls with paint-by-number artwork. We suggest you apply them all and be proud of the outcome that you reach. Let’s go!
Be Sure that You Are Using the Right Color
We know that many of you will say “this is obvious”. Indeed, it is a basic piece of advice, but people pretty often do things in a hurry. Because of that, even the most experienced artists usually pick the wrong colors.
Generally speaking, painting usually requires focus. Because of that, people do not focus too much on colors. Instead of that, they are concentrated on the final result of their creativity. That is a good method, but not triple-checking the colors you use can ruin everything you have been working on.
But, if you noticed the issue that you made too late, then you should know it is not the end of the world. All you will have to do is to be patient and wait for the wrong shade of color to get dry. After something like that happens, you can correct the issue that you made. Keep in mind you will probably need to add extra coats of paint to fix the issue.
But, Extra Coats of Paint Are Usually Necessary
Generally speaking, even if you do not want to cover up the wrong color, it is essential to apply a bit more layers of pain. Doing that will make the decoration you work on look more polished.
Only one layer of paint is not going to be enough. You will need to fill the color with additional layers and ensure that all the sections are fiat. Two or three layers of color are going to be enough. Generally, it depends on the wall itself as well as how long you didn’t decorate the room wall before that. If you are decorating it for the first time, two layers will be everything you need.
White Pencil Can Be Useful
Without any doubt, the 2 layers of paint are going to cover the numbers that you printed on the canvas. However, if you plan to use lighter colors, the outcome may not be as you would imagine. For instance, if you look at the decoration from a certain angle, it may happen that you see the traces of the number. Logically, that won’t make your wall eye-pleasing at all.
Because of that, there is one trick you can use, and all you need is to get a white pencil. Use the white pencil to cover the numbers, but it is essential to use the right method to do that. The biggest mistake of all would be to press the pencil too hard. In that way, there is a big chance to damage the canvas surface. Instead of that, gentle pressure is going to be enough. Cover the dark print with two layers and finish the job properly!
It Is Mandatory to Blend the Edges
In most cases, the small blocks of colors are those that make the image pop. The outcome can be outstanding, but we do not have the same tastes. Because of that, you may want to blend the decoration a bit more. The best way to do that is to soften the edges.
So, what exactly you should do here? For starters, put down one color at the same time. After you do that, choose the parts of the wall where two colors will appear, and work on them at the same time. When you come close to the edge where two colors will connect, simply swipe the brush back. That way, you will simply soften the colors.
The way you move your hand is actually the most important part here. To reach the best results, all you will have to do is to make zigzag motions. But, we also need to highlight that doing this is a bit challenging. That especially counts if you are a complete beginner. Because of that, as a newbie, do that only in small areas. Fixing the small issues is going to be much easier, and you will certainly get a valuable lesson!
The Quality of the Frame Matters a Lot
People often forget how important the frame of the painting actually is. Unfortunately, most kits that you can find online do not even come with a frame. Because of that, you may need to deal with low additional costs that will certainly pay of in the end.
The purpose of the frames is to pull tight the canvas. That way, you will ensure that won’t harm the surface in any way while you are applying the paint. If the kit you purchased does not have a frame, it will be a good idea to use the basic picture frame. Your decoration will have fancy borders!
Final Thought
We have finally come to the end of this article. It is strongly recommendable that you apply all the pieces of advice we talked about. If you are a beginner, don’t panic in case you make a mistake. Wait for the color to dry and fix the problem. Despite that, carefully choose the kit you will purchase. The appropriate kit will make things easier a lot!