Daniel Craig’s net worth is about $150 million and now he claims that he will not leave a penny to his children as an inheritance because he believes that that would be “distasteful”.
In a new interview James Bond actor said: “I think inheritance is quite distasteful. My philosophy is to get rid of it or give it away before you go” and continued: “I don’t want to leave great sums to the next generation”.
Craig has two children, 28-year old Ella from his first marriage to Fiona Loudon, and 2-year old daughter (name unknown) with Rachel Weisz.
The release date of No Time to Die has been delayed by seven months from April to November after “careful consideration and thorough evaluation of the global theatrical market”. Craig (52) got a paycheck of $21 million for appearing in the sequel, which he said it’s his last James Bond role. Again. After filming “Spectre”, from which he earned around $55 million, he famously said that he would “rather slash his wrists” than be a part of another Bond movie.