Self-isolation, social-deprivation, and fear of dying – the Coronavirus pandemic has stirred up tension in the entire world by taking thousands of lives and infecting more than 400,000 people globally since its outbreak.
The immediate closure of all public and private institutions and even complete lock-down of entire cities and countries to stop the rapid spread of the disease has left people baffled and terrified across the globe.
Countless uncertainties surrounding the Coronavirus topped with the fear of catching the disease can be too much to handle for many people, especially when they have little or no options to calm their nerves due to social-distancing.
Even though social-distancing is ideal for avoiding the infection, the idea of not going to work, visiting theatres, parks or restaurants and not being able to meet your loved ones is daunting and frustrating.
Staying confined at home for an indefinite period and constantly watching the appalling news and headlines while living in an already affected area can be overwhelming and stressful.
Dr. Wendy Boring from BetterHelp tells us that social isolation and fears about the outbreak can take a toll on your mental health and make you depressed. Since many of us can easily catastrophize and drown into endless panic and worries, it is beneficial to do something fun to keep your mind off any thoughts that feed your anxiety.
Here are some productive yet relaxing things you can do to shoo away all anxiety and stress while you are cooped up in self isolation due to the Coronavirus outbreak.
Enhance your Skill-set
Since the business world is constantly evolving and the demand for new skills is rapidly increasing, learning something new to polish your skill-set while you’re stuck at home can be great.
Browse the web for free online tutorials on how to enhance your photo or video editing skills, speak a different language, play an instrument or take an online personal development class to level-up your expertise.
All hail to the glorious World Wide Web for giving us innumerable, easy-to-access learning mediums in the form of blogs, websites, apps and video tutorials which we can use to teach ourselves conveniently.
Since many high-speed internet service providers like “buytvinternetphone.com” have lifted data caps amid the Coronavirus pandemic, taking this as a great opportunity to access trillions of e-learning platforms to learn a skill or two is a great way to keep the anxieties at bay while staying productive.
Imagine the flabbergasting look on the faces of your co-workers, family, and friends when you come out from this nightmarish situation speaking Chinese or as an incredible animator! Priceless, isn’t it?
Connect to your Loved Ones via Social Networks
Since social-distancing is crucial to block the spread of Coronavirus, the biggest civil duty we have amid this healthcare emergency is to stay distant and isolated from everyone.
But is that easy? Not really! Being social animals, we humans are crazy about hanging out with each other to stay connected.
Being isolated at home can make us go haywire as social-deprivation can stir up loneliness, anxiety, and depression and affect our physical health.
Keeping in touch with your family and friends regularly through social networks such as Facebook, WhatsApp, FaceTime, Skype or Zoom can help you fight the loneliness and depression and stay calm.
Now whenever you feel anxious and feel the need to get support from your loved ones, just pick up your smartphone and chat with them over the phone, texts or video call.
However, always try to distract your mind from stressful thoughts by talking about things that make you happy rather than discussing the pandemic.
Workout to Release Stress
Exercising releases happy hormones such as endorphins and serotonin that can revitalize your mood so it’s a great way to kick-away stress.
Working out at home without any gym equipment such as dumbbells or weights can sound impossible but who needs equipment anyway when there’s internet?
Just simply browse through YouTube and find the best workout video to suit your needs and physical health and shake away all the frightening Coronavirus thoughts and worried.
Breaking a sweat can strengthen your body and improve your endurance to a great extent as the more you move, the more blood is pumped across your body and this helps your heart, mind, and body to stay fit.
Read E-books
Focusing on a 9 to 5 job and commuting to and fro regularly can eat up a lot of energy and time and drift you away from reading books with the passing time. Since offices are shut and you are probably working from home free from the commute, you can use this bonus time to start reading an e-book and feed the book-worm within you.
Wondering what to read? Just search the web and look into the top trending books and select the one that suits your pocket and taste and read away!
In case you don’t like the idea of flipping through virtual pages, you can always choose to download audiobooks online to distract and enrich your mind by listening to captivating literature.
Run a Binge-a-thon
If you are a movie buff who misses going to the movie theatre to watch blockbuster entertainment then binge-watching movies, dramas and shows online will make you forget about the pandemic and liven up your mood in seconds.
Just surf through the web to find entertaining movies with sequels or shows and dramas with lots of episodes to stay hooked for hours without paying heed to anything that can make you restless.
Binge-watching the Star Wars, Avengers or Hunger Games movies in order or laughing your heart out to up to 10 seasons of The Big Bang Theory or How I Met Your Mother is a superb way to fight the Coronavirus anxiety and stress.
Staying locked inside your home can make you feel gloomy and miserable and feeling anxious or stressed is pretty normal in a nerve-wracking time like this.
Most people have a huge to-do list in their heads that keeps them occupied but some of them don’t. The fun yet productive activities mentioned in this article will give you a heads up on the things you can do in case you run out options while you’re homebound for days. Meanwhile, let’s try and pray that we all come out of this happy, healthy and stronger.