What happens when the worst is over and the best is yet to come? Thoughts on the brighter side of COVID-19.
Covid-19 has wrought horrific circumstances with it as the global pandemic raged across the world. Hundreds of thousands have lost their lives, while millions have been left affected by the virus in a number of devastating ways. Millions have lost their jobs, fallen ill, or have had their lives upended. To assume that the virus has had a positive effect in any way is bold, especially as the difficulties are still coming in hard and fast.
However, in the quest for a silver lining, some things have arguably improved. While time has been stolen from friends and extended family members, some of us have gotten more quality time with our immediate family and households. Some have taken this time to completely revamp their houses and spaces. Others have moved to online socializing, spending more virtual time with friends than ever before. Almost all of us though, have found more time at home- which often means we’re not exactly sure what to do with it all.
This move toward home has made a few positive changes to several types of industry. Things like home baking, hobbies and crafts, and CasinoGenie’s guide to online gambling have seen the booming business of late. Which is actually a good thing. Indicating that we’re not just spending more time at home, but we’re spending it doing things we enjoy.
The New Normal for Online Gambling
Casino Genie is a guide to online gambling for different types of sites and online casinos. While sports betting pages have seen a large decline in participation- due to mass gatherings and events being canceled or postponed because of the virus, online casinos have swept up some of this interest. Particularly after Las Vegas Mayor, Carolyn Goodman volleyed some heated criticism following remarks made about reopening the gambling hub.
It became obvious that gambling was more than just a hobby, but something that employed thousands and helped to bring stability to a shattered economy. While Sin City has undergone tentative reopening since the faux pas, many have started to explore the safer alternative of online casinos. Which has had an unintended but surprisingly green effect on our world at large.
Live gambling and sporting events took another hit when professional sports organizations across the globe announced postponements and cancellations of games, due to the novel coronavirus pandemic. As mass gatherings put spectators at risk, when some institutions tried to get inventive- like the MLB’s attempt at hosting games with cardboard cutouts of fake fans; they failed miserably. Leaving almost all who would place a wager now and again searching for better options.
Digital Revolution?
With fewer people traveling and engaging less with live-action events, and more turning to online sources of entertainment, fewer resources are being used. While it does put a damper on many tourist and event focused economies, it has caused a massive reduction in carbon emissions. Which is nothing to discredit.
Places like New York City seeing a near 50% reduction in pollution. Blue skies could be seen in Los Angeles for the first time in decades, and even places like the bustling cities of China and England have seen an improvement in air quality. The Italian city of Venice saw clearer waters and a greater variety of wildlife.
Huge hubs of civilization across the globe have reported cleaner air, lower emissions, more diverse and present wildlife, and space for better options for a different future have been carved out of the space the pandemic has left us in. The historic use of fossil fuels has been quelled, with coal demand dropping and crude oil prices hitting rock bottom. While many economic strongholds such as these have seen a drastic reduction in value, things like tech stocks and cryptocurrencies have soared. Giving credence to the idea that this may be a pivot point, instead of a new low.
We Stand to Gain
However, this “new normal” does seem to give a bleak outlook for those near the top of the economic food chain, as the rest of us are enjoying the fresh air. Whether or not these changes have staying power has yet to be seen, but across the globe large numbers of people seem hopeful. Looking to possibly take the head start and keep going with it. Looking to better technology and online services to begin filling gaps and creating new markets for jobs, entertainment, and goods.
As local economies begin to strategize for future footing, sustainable transportation and work-from-home paradigms are being considered. Flexible hours are becoming normalized, producing happier workers and because of this many occupations that can be held remotely are trying to stay that way. As shipping and goods supply industries saw prices soar and the adoption of the online delivery services boom, many began looking towards local economies to obtain the items they needed.
Much like online casinos, communities began looking for ways to entertain and sustain continuity by utilizing resources that were nearer to home, which could be a good sign for local retailers and online entertainment purveyors alike. With the continued adoption, as metered by the interaction with online casino review sites, society may be able to look at the business structure of these industries to get a glimpse of what future business may become.
There has also been an influx of digital activism, and an embrace of technology that has long existed, but failed to be utilized to its full potential. So while the world stands back with bated breath to see where this pandemic may take us in the future, we may need only to look at recent events to find a sustainable path forward. Despite the fear of contagion and the discord it has brought with it, many continue to see the good that has come as well. As we continue to involve ourselves with local economies and our closest family and friends, we find ourselves going back. Focusing on those things that are the most important, and finding hope in the future.