Having a well-designed package and a recognizable brand is one of the most important things you need if you want your product to do well. We as human beings are instinctively drawn and attracted to visually pleasing objects – it’s just the way it is. We experience a majority of things in our life through eyesight and that’s why a good design can be half of the job when it comes to promoting and establishing your brand.
A quality designed package is not just a well-drawn or though-out image and a colour palette. Well-designed package communicates to the customers. It attracts people to your product and connects emotionally with them. That is why a great design is very important for the success of your business.
The importance of design is especially true in highly competitive environments such as the coffee industry. When you think of coffee, you immediately imagine one of the world’s leading brand – such as Nescafe, Lavazza, Hausbrandt and so on. They are the major players in this field and they’re the most popular ones.
So, how do you, as an up-and-comer in the coffee business, set yourself apart from these giants and how do you make people want to buy and drink your product? Naturally, you’ll need to provide a quality product, but, you need to try the coffee first to know whether it’s good or bad. Seeing how you cannot stand in the supermarket and offer everyone a cup of coffee so they think about buying your product, you need to find a new way to lure them in. that’s where design comes into play.
You need a unique, well-thought-out and attractive package for your coffee. Since we understand that saying that is easier than achieving it, we have decided to give you a few tips on how to create that package. If you want to know how – stay with us and find out.
Use A Protective Package
When it comes to packing coffee, you’re going to need more than a lovely package. The package must be functional first. Coffee is delicate. If you leave it out in the open for some time, it’ll lose its flavour and aroma. So, your beans must be kept in a safe place.
Aluminium foil bags are one of the most popular and commonly used packages when it comes to coffee. They offer a tight seal, leaving the beans dry, not exposed to any outside factors thus keeping the aroma preserved.
Film bags are a modern twist on coffee packages. They also guarantee to keep your coffee fresh and delicious, while also being more versatile when it comes to shape, design and overall aesthetics of the package.
Paper bags are also a popular choice and it doesn’t hurt they’re eco-friendly. However, they are not as efficient in keeping coffee fresh as film or aluminium.
Tin cans are a really good way to keep a lot of coffee fresh for a long time. They are easily customizable, can hold a solid amount of coffee and are usually used for espresso beans. Illy uses tin cans for some of their Arabica blends.
Capsules have become more and more popular these days with the increasing number of home coffee machines being available. They are very convenient and easy to use, as well as to customize. Seeing as this is one of the newest trends in the world of coffee, the market is still pretty much up for grabs, so, considering capsules could be a good move. If you do decide on it, woopacking is one of the industry’s leaders in making quality capsules and coffee capsule packing machines.
To Seal Or Not To Seal?
You can either have a resealable package or not. Resealable packages come with a zipper of sorts ensuring that the coffee stays preserved in the original packaging even after the opening. Having this package can be beneficial because the customers will look at it every single time they have a cup of coffee. On the other hand, a lot of coffee packages are not resealable. In situations like those coffee is often transferred to a different container.
How that you’ve decided on a type of packaging, let’s move onto design.
Decide On A Colour
Colour of the packaging is a great way to set your product apart from the others. One thing to keep in mind is what are you trying to convey with said colour and what that colour is often associated with. For example, if you’re selling premium blends and high-quality coffee, you might think about a darker colour scheme.
You see, the word ‘premium’ is often associated with power and power is associated with darkness. So, if that’s the case, go with black, dark blue or navy. You may even try purple because of its association with royalty. On the other hand, if you’re going for a more natural, relaxed look – go with brown, green, white or any ‘earthy’ tones. Another popular choice is red (Nescafe, Illy e.g.), but you don’t want to blend in.
Have A Recognizable Logo
The logo is one of the most important visual representatives of your brand. Simply typing out a name on a package won’t suffice if you want to make an impact. Hire a designer to create a logo that conveys a message and represents what your brand stands for. That logo will grace every product you put out, so don’t miss out on that.
Describe Your Coffee
Like we’ve said, you cannot try the coffee before buying it first, but you can try and make it appealing. Once you’ve captured someone’s attention with your unique package, it’s time the to seal the deal. Explain how does the coffee taste.
Is it more on the bitter or acidic side? Is it sweet and savoury? Is it a light or a dark roast? Is it espresso or filter? How’s the aroma? Is it fruity or nutty? Where does it come from – Nicaragua or Kenya? Is it single or blended? These are the questions that you need to answer on your package because the people who drink coffee regularly know that they are looking for. For example – lightly roasted, Arabica blend from the plantations in Colombia and Nicaragua, with a smooth texture and fruity aroma without the bitter aftertaste. Sounds delicious -doesn’t it?
Finally, the most important thing to remember is to stay true to yourself and your product. Don’t try and copy other brands. You want to stand out and be the best version of yourself, not better than anyone else. With that and our tips in mind, you’re almost guaranteed to create something special.