Paramedic Gets A Round Of Applause As She Heads Out To...

Nurses and paramedics around the world are working around the clock trying to save as many people as possible from the killer coronavirus. They are...

The Nurse Who Said “People Are Dropping Like Flies” From CoViD-19...

The nurse from Mobile, AL who stated that people in her hospital are "dropping like flies" announced that she just quit her job because...

Nurse From Alabama: “People Are Dropping Like Flies” From Coronavirus (Video)

A nurse from Mobile, AL gives an insight as to how dangerously coronavirus outbreak is going out of control. Nurses in her hospital in...

Soccer Game That Was Attended By 40K People Was The Trigger...

More than 44,000 people traveled to the Champion's League match Atalanta vs Valencia which was held in Milan last month. Italian and Spanish clubs...

75-Year Old Wants To Kick “Bleach Blonde” Woman For Mocking Coronavirus

The Chicago native wanted the world to know about the upsetting interaction she experienced at a local grocery store when a random customer yelled...

Teen, 19, Killed Herself As She Couldn’t Cope With Coronavirus Isolation

Emily Owen (19), the young waitress, has been unable to cope "with her world closing in, plans being canceled and being stuck inside" died...

Covid-19 Keeping You up at Night? Try These Sleep Tips

If you're losing sleep over Covid-19 (aka Coronavirus), you're not alone. It's not surprising that millions of people are struggling to get enough sleep...

Tackling Coronavirus Anxiety

Let’s face it: coronavirus is scary. You may not be afraid of the virus itself; in fact, you may believe that if you’re young...

Trump Just Called Coronavirus A “Chinese Virus”

Donald Trump just called Coronavirus a "Chinese virus" and of course, Twitter went on fire, calling him racist and xenophobic. Just what humanity needs...

What Coronavirus? Clearwater Beach Is Packed!

While Miami Beach and Ft. Lauderdale beaches are closed, Clearwater Beach is packed with people. It seems like a lot of people didn't want...