By the term, FR clothing one can mean two types of clothing – flame resistant and flame retardant clothing. Though the concept of these two types of clothing is quite the same, there are certain differences between them; at which you must look into.
Flame Resistant Clothing, as its name suggests, is a special cloth is designed to resist flames and embers. This type of cloth is both tough and durable. This fabric will automatically prevent burning as it is self-extinguishing. The special feature of this garment is that it prevents the flame from spreading, thus, minimizes burning injuries.
Flame Retardant Clothing is quite similar to flame-resistant clothing, despite one thing that it is made with cotton or cotton-blend materials. For this, it is not inherently resistant to fire. Chemically it is transformed into something fire-resistant, but not the fabrics have their own self-extinguishing quality. You can check out FROutlet, if you are in need of Fire-resistant apparel.
FR Clothing Maintenance:
Like any other type of clothing, FR clothing needs to be maintained to keep in good condition. If it gets damaged itself, then it will not be able to fulfill its purpose perfectly. So, to extend the lasting period of your Fire-resistant clothing, the first thing that comes is periodical cleaning.
However, under a few circumstances and after numerous washing of your FR cloth, it can last no longer and immediately need to be changed if there are any defects, which can be harmful for the user. Here have a glance over these tips enlisted below to keep your FR clothing perfectly maintained.
- Washing:
Some people hire professionals for maintenance and washing Fire resistant uniforms. This is always the best option to hire professionals to accomplish any job perfectly. But, under some circumstances, it is not always possible to hire a professional to wash all your FR garments. I
f you have to wash your garments by yourself, then know the procedure and home laundering is also a safe, cost-effective alternative of industrial laundering. Always avoid hydrogen, animal fats (tallow soap), and bleach added soap to wash your Flame resistant clothes, instead use a mild detergent. Fabric softeners or starch must be avoided too.
Also, it is recommended to use water not warmer than 120 degrees Fahrenheit in washing FR clothes which can reduce the amount of flame resistance element in the garment. Avoid using the insect repellent spray contained with DEET, especially on garments.
Well, this is just a general instruction to clean Flame resistant clothing. Please go through every single detail on the manufacturer’s garment care instructions which can differ from this. And if you still have any confusion contact the manufacturer.
- Minimizing Shrinkage:
Some of the FR fabrics use to shrink more than others. Now, have a glance over some tricks you may apply to extend the lasting period of your FR cloth. These FR clothes shrink because of including cotton in the fabric.
Garment’s shrinkage can take place within its first five washings no matter which company had manufactured or how costly it is. Our recommendation is, to prevent this you can try washing it in a “warm” temperature. Also, do not dry a garment on high heat, which can cause excessive shrinkage.
Therefore, after washing, let the clothes dry naturally. These clothes can sometimes be heavier than your regular pieces, which is why you are advised to use stronger pegs, like the ones you can find at Pegs for Life. They will surely be useful for when you are required to dry such clothes and they are far more stable than the plastic ones.
- Replacing:
Under few circumstances your Fire-resistant clothing needs to be replaced with a new one, if it is torn, ripped, threadbare; stained with a flammable substance; contacted with bleach; holed, stretched or other visible defects. Manufacturer’s user direction may have mentioned the time when to replace the clothing.
Don’t take risks while handling such a vital garment; try to follow the instructions written above and the manufacturer’s direction. Stay safe!