The coronavirus continues to devastate countries around the globe, with the US having the most cases of any other nation. People are starting to fear how long this quarantine could go on for as many need to get back to work in order to provide for their families.
In a new interview with Ellen DeGeneres, Bill Gates revealed when is everything going to be normal again. He explained that it’s going to be a long process as a vaccine is the only long-term solution that will get things back to where they were before the pandemic. That could take months, and very likely up to a year.
“This is worse than war but the amount we put into it, the amount we practiced and had the ability to make these tools, virtually nothing was done. Until we get almost everybody vaccinated globally we still won’t be fully back to normal. We need to start getting things back to normal. They won’t be back to normal until we have that phenomenal vaccine or a therapeutic that’s over 95 percent effective. We have to assume that’s going to be almost 18 months from now”, Gates said.