The development of modern technology extends to all areas of human life. Dating is no exception. Today, in order to meet your soulmate, life partner or friend, it is not necessary to use traditional dating techniques. Hookup sites allow you to meet a person with the same hobbies, views on life.
Having become a multibillion-dollar industry in just a few decades, these sites allow people from different continents to meet. They are popular in different countries, and America is no exception. Based on surveys, let’s look at how hookup sites have influenced the development of relationships, and what the attitudes of Americans themselves, who use the services of these services, are.
Fact 1
According to a survey of American adults, 3 out of 10 respondents said they had used the service and met online. But that’s an average that varies by age. Ever used hookup sites:
- 18 to 29 years old – 48%;
- 30 to 49 years old – 38%;
50 years old and over – 16%.
Fact 2
Online dating has led to serious relationships and family formation in a small number of Americans surveyed (12 percent). But this figure is much higher among older adults (18 to 49 years old).
57% of respondents (6 out of 10) responded that online dating ended very positively (14%), while 43% had more or less positive experiences with online dating. Four out of 10 respondents described the experience as negative.
Social and economic factors have a significant impact on ratings of online dating experiences. The ratings do not depend on the race, ethnicity, or gender of the interviewees.
Fact 3
As a rule, online dating has positive aspects. But there are some downsides as well. Forty-five percent of American adults said the experience was not entirely satisfactory for them, while 28 percent had their hopes upheld.
There is some balance between other positive and negative feelings. 35% of users who are current users of hookup sites, or have used their services in the recent past, experienced ambivalence. And 29% of those surveyed said online dating made them feel optimistic.
A large number of Americans said of the confidence that online dating gave them.
Fact 4
Many interviewees responded that they easily found potentially compatible partners on such resources, which were:
- are physically attractive;
- had the same interests and hobbies.
It was for this reason that many of those interviewed were willing to meet in person with people who were also on the platform looking for a similar relationship.
But whether it was hard or easy to find a compatible partner appeared to vary from person to person, depending on gender differences.
Women reported that it was somewhat harder for them to find a partner (than men) they felt physically attracted to (36% vs. 21%) or who they simply liked and wanted to meet (39% vs. 32%).
The men interviewed, on the other hand, had much less difficulty in meeting someone who shared their interests and hobbies.
Fact 5
For women, profile information is more important than for men. 72% of women responded that the important item for them in the profiles of candidates was the type of relationship that the person was looking for. Whereas among male respondents this figure was 53%.
Also for most of the female respondents, compared with men, were important:
- a person’s religious beliefs (32% vs. 18%);
- profession (27% vs. 8%);
- growth (22% vs. 8%).
Ethnicity, race, and political views were not particularly important when viewed in terms of gender differences.
Fact 6
The opinions of men and women who used hookup sites were divided as to the amount of attention they received on such platforms. Depending on gender, more respondents said that there were not enough messages received than those who said that there were a lot of messages received.
57% of men (six out of ten respondents) said that over the past five years of online dating, they had not received the number of messages they had hoped for. Among women, only 24% said this. However, 30% of women said they had received too many messages in the past 5 years of online dating compared to 6% of men.
Fact 7
About 3 in 10 young women surveyed (37%) said that even after they said they weren’t interested, they continued to be contacted on the platform.
35% of the ladies surveyed responded that they continued to receive messages of a sexual nature that they had not asked for.
Fact 8
Americans also have different attitudes about the safety of online dating. About half (53%) say hookup sites are safe, while 46% question the safety of such resources.
Each user’s personal experience plays a large role in the safety or insecurity of online dating. Americans who have ever used dating resources (71 percent) said they were safe, compared to 47 percent who had never used such platforms.
53% of women, versus 39% of men, said that online dating is not safe. Such statements depend on various factors (age, race, education, etc.).
Fact 9
54% of Americans surveyed (more than half) said that relationships that began after online dating were just as successful as those that began when they met offline in person.
Slightly fewer respondents said that such relationships were not successful, compared to relationships that began with dating not on hookup sites.
For a certain number of Americans surveyed, online dating had no negative or positive impact on dating or relationships.
It’s clear that Americans’ attitudes toward online dating are changing, likely due to the increasing number of people using these services. Whether you’re looking for a relationship or just a casual hookup, it’s important to be aware of the risks involved with online dating. However, if you take the necessary precautions and use common sense, you can greatly reduce your chances of being scammed or harmed. With so many people now using online dating sites, there’s sure to be someone out there who is perfect for you.