Four Types of Vital Heat Resistant Materials for Building

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Just because “We Didn’t Start the Fire” doesn’t mean that someone or something else won’t, which is making it crucial to secure your home with flammable heat resistant materials. After all, for as much of a threat as fire is for any structure, unless you work in construction or an associated field, you probably don’t know so much about fire-resistant materials. They don’t tend to get the same amount of buzz and press as other elements of home décor. Nevertheless, unless you want to see that décor go up in flames—literally—you’ll want to work with these heat-resistant options.

  1. Heat-Resistant Glass

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Glass is a natural insulator, meaning that it does not conduct heat or electricity. That makes it an ideal material for including heat resistance in your property, and indeed, some glass is good for that. Even so, you cannot apply that to any old window pane. After all, glass can also be easily shattered, and so you’ll want to find glass which can resist heat and fire without melting or shattering.

Dual paned glass can be excellent for these purposes. It can be more durable than other glass options, which means it is less likely to shatter easily in the event of extreme heat or fire.

You’ll want to make sure that the window frame holding the glass in place is likewise heat resistant. It won’t matter how resistant the glass itself is if the frame is easily melted or otherwise damaged by heat. This can result in the windowpane simply falling out of its frame and shattering that way.

  1. Concrete Options

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Another great option to turn to is concrete. As you might expect, concrete, a durable building material that it tends to be, is far less likely to go to pieces at the first sign of heat and fire than other building options. The Romans first developed concrete, and many of their buildings remain largely intact today despite two millennia worth of weathering forces, neglect and, yes, in some cases, fire.

If these Ancient Roman concrete structures can remain to stand, there’s a good chance yours will as well.

  1. Stucco Options

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Less obvious, but no less effective, stucco can be a less expensive alternative. If you’re looking to make the exterior of your home or business heat resistant, a layer or two of stucco isn’t a bad place to start.

  1. Types of Brick

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Last, but not least, we come to perhaps the most stylish heat resistant materials on this list. Redbrick homes are built to last, and that’s due in no small part to the fact that the bricks themselves can be quite a heat and fire-resistant.

When it comes time to build something, you’ll want to make sure that you’re building it to last. Build smarter with the best materials that are heat resistant from companies like Insulflex.