You cannot expect your computer to perform with the same speed it has performed on the first day. The first day’s performance is different because the system does not have any information to regulate.
However, information accumulates for the computer to navigate through for every operation with time.
While it seems a viable option to upgrade your computer system from time to time, you can speed up your system even without making any upgrades.
Today, we will talk about different ways to speed up your computer and enhance its performance.
Reason Why Your Computer Becomes Slow!
Computers slow down for many reasons. But everything boils down to one reason – Because We Use Them!
Today, almost everything is down with the help of a computer. Our every data is stored on the computer. If our computers are taken from us, we might even start feeling lonely.
That is how much we are dependent on the computer in the modern age.
We use our computers for downloading software applications, installing extensions, surfing the internet, create partitions, files/folders, and music. Unfortunately, this inevitably builds virtual detritus impacting the computer’s performance.
So, now coming to the reason that makes your computer slow.
• Running Out Of Disk Space: This is one of the common reasons why most computers start slowing down after giving a year of lost efficient service. Within that one year, you used up most of its internal storage. Your computer has only a limited storage capability and hence, start pyritizing which function to operate. This thinking process is what you see as a delay in every operation we want to execute.
• Too Many Startups Software Application: Most people think having too many startups saves you time. It does only during the initial phase after startup where you don’t have to open any necessary software application – the computer system does that for you! The real problem starts when the system remains slow with the responses because all the startup software uses most often processing power.
• Rogue Programming Hogging All The Processing Power: There is some software application that stuck themselves in a loop or encountered some form of error. This indirectly affects the performance of the computer system.
The Main Focus Area To Make Your Computer Faster
Before we can start with enhancing the speed of your system, you must be aware of the different areas where you can focus on improving the system’s speed.
Three umbrella categories can be used to boost your computer speed.
• Software enhancements.
• Application replacement & Removal.
• Operating System Tweaks.
These three umbrella categories help your system to speed up in different ways. For instance, if we talk about hardware upgrades, simply upgrading your RAM, SSD, and other parts will cost money.
But tweaks like clearing your internal storage and cleaning your system with unwanted system files and tools will do the same work without any cost.
Ways To Make Your Computer System
A slow computer can be pretty frustrating and inconvenient. This experience becomes even worse when you are working with an old computer.
However, there are a few ways to ensure your computer sustains its speed. And rest assured these methods even work for old computers and the new ones.
1. Freeing Up Disk Space
This might be an obvious method to fasten your computer system. But, it seems that the newer generation is not aware of it.
Just like you know you have enough space to store things in a bag, you can freely work with things. But the moment you realize that you have limited space to work with, you become selective with what you keep in your bag.
The same thing can be said for your computer system. The computer system comes with limited internal memory. When the memory is about to get full, your system starts thinking of which operation to prioritize and hence becomes slow.
2. Managing Your Startup Processes
Have you ever noticed how your system starts with a couple of software applications already open in the background? Well, that is because those applications are associated with the startup processes.
What are startup processes? The startup process is the operation and process that starts automatically with the system wakeup. If these startups are putting pressure on the processor, you will find that your startup process is taking a long time to load.
To ensure this never happens, disable all the startup processes!
3. Adding More RAM
If all the startup software applications are important and you cannot disable them, the only way to solve the problem of slow computers is to upgrade your RAM.
RAM is the Random Access memory that stores the current data of any active application and tool. Hence, the more RAM is, the better system will be able to respond.
In fact, upgrading RAM is much easier than upgrading other parts. Anyone with basic ideas about computer parts will be able to pull it off.
4. Uninstall Unused Programs
When we buy a new computer system, we fill the system with many applications with the hope of using them in the future. However, with time, we realize that some applications were never meant to be used.
Uninstall those applications.
Having applications in your system that are not being used takes up processor power, making your system slow.
5. Install System Cleaner
Sometimes we use our system and take everything for granted. We use it without deleting all the junk files. Over time, these junk files pile up and make your computer system slow.
Having a system cleaner like System Mechanic from Iolo can help you clean all the junk files. Once the junk files are cleared, you will find that your system has enough free space to work with.
When you are dealing with slow computer performance, the solution is not always to upgrade your system. Sometimes, simple tweaks and cleaning can do the job.
The next time you face a problem with a slow internet connection, double check your system for any malware and hardware problems.
After that, you can look into the bigger things and think of making upgrades for solving the problems.