Yes, Cannabis addiction is a serious problem for many people.
One problem is that much of the treatment industry still adheres to what experts call the emergency care model, suggesting that you can send people with drug addiction to rehab for 28 days and they will recover – with little or no follow-up. necessary, in addition to meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous.
Experts argue that adequate care may not require inpatient or inpatient treatment at all; as long as it is long term, outpatient treatment is likely in most addiction cases.
Only one in ten people with drug addictions receive specialize treatment. According to studies, between 9% and 30% of people who abuse cannabis develop an addiction. Fortunately, there are treatments available to help those achieve and maintain sobriety.
Why Get Help for Cannabis?
The negative emotions one gets when trying to cope with addiction are valid, but having to no longer submit to cannabis as a coping mechanism is the first step towards any recovery. It can be difficult to think about past addictions, but it is important to embrace it and learn from it.
It can be extremely difficult to forgive addictive behavior, cannabis, like many other substances, can leave one feeling alienated from the world, it can also be a coping mechanism for feeling alienated. Without the productive tools and resources available, it’s easy to fall into the same situation or thought process that led to cannabis abuse in the first place.
Treating cannabis addiction is less about the cannabis, and more about treating the individual. Rather than looking at cannabis as a “mild addiction”, addressing the root causes of substance dependence is the priority when it comes to treatment.
While cannabis may not be physically addictive like other drugs such as heroin or alcohol, psychological addiction can be very strong. When people develop an addiction, they may feel irritable and anxious when trying to stop using cannabis.
When is it Time for Treatment?
Recognizing the signs of addiction can be difficult, and those that are caught in the cycle may struggle to accept it. The following signs indicate that a problem with cannabis may exist:
- Daily use of cannabis, from morning until evening
- Avoiding social situations or work commitments to smoke cannabis
- In denial about the quantity being used
- Unable to complete day-to-day tasks without being high
- Struggles with withdrawal when trying to stop, or having to go without cannabis
Finding the Right Treatment Centre
It is best to contact a residential drug rehab center to find out what you can expect from treatment. All UK based treatment centers must be CQC registered, so be sure to check the rating of the facility before committing to any residential care.
One CQC registered rehab in the UK that offers a high standard of care with a long history of treating individuals, is the drug rehabilitation center, such as the Providence Projects. It can provide the critical care and tools one needs to overcome your alcohol and drug addiction so you can get back on track and live a successful, happy, and productive life.
One of the major benefits of residential care is that the individual is removed from the stressful environment and will have no access to cannabis during their treatment.
While it’s true many people who have developed a cannabis habit can quit smoking without going to a rehab center, those who have attempted to quick many times before, may find it easier to commit to recovery upon completion of an initial residential programme.
Those receiving treatment for cannabis addiction at a residential treatment center, will have the added benefit of holistic treatment, which includes regular behavioral therapy to address the psychological aspects of their addiction.
To help with the daily challenges one may face, activities such as meditation and yoga for addiction can be additional tools for a holistic approach to fostering greater awareness, compassion, and gratitude to life, and provide a sense of purpose.