14 Eye-Opening (…or Closing) Sleep Tips

Img source: huffpost.com

Sleep is one of the most important aspects of your daily life, along with diet and exercise. Lacking sleep can create a snowball effect that negatively impacts other areas of life.

Losing sleep can damage cognitive function, put you in a bad mood, and can even lead to health risks like a cardiovascular disease over time.

Below are 14 tips to help you transition to healthier sleeping conditions.

  1. Cut the caffeine

Caffeine is the most widely used drug in the world. Doctors recommend stopping caffeine use 4 to 6 hours before you go to bed.

  1. Eat Light

Don’t eat large amounts of food near bedtime. Instead, eat a small snack that is dense in carbs.

  1. Avoid the Temptation to Sleep in

Img source: verywellhealth.com

Try to get out of bed at the same time every day to keep your biological clock on a natural cycle.

  1. Keep Your Body and Head Cool

Using advanced cooling sleep systems, such as the Ooler Sleep System, can help you to keep from getting too hot to sleep.  If you want to know more about how Ooler temperature control system work, you can pop over to this article for an in-depth review.

  1. Wind Down Before Bed

Stop any work or activity an hour before bed. Shift into a relaxed state by doing things that calm you such as reading or enjoying a caffeine-free tea.

  1. Exercise During the Day

Img source: verywellhealth.com

Exercise can promote better sleep patterns, just try not to exercise right before you go to bed. Some people find that exercise can energize them if they do it near bedtime.

  1. Spend Time in the Sun

Daytime exposure to sunlight can help normalize your sleep and sync your circadian rhythm.

  1. Limit Blue Light Exposure Before Bed

Limit your time in front of the smartphone, laptop, or TV screens two hours before bed. You can also download apps that filter out blue light from your screen. Read more about how to protect your eyes from blue light on overnightglasses.com.

  1. Power Nap for Mid-day Drowsiness

Img source: thedailycrisp.com

Don’t take long extended naps in the middle of the day. If you’re tired take a nap no longer than 30 minutes.

  1. Be Aware of Popular Sleep Disorder Symptoms

Sleep apnea, movement disorders, and other existing conditions could be the source of low-quality sleep. Consult a doctor if you suspect this may be the case for you.

  1. Lower Your Liquid Intake Before Bed

Don’t drink large amounts of liquid 2 hours before bed, as waking to urinate is common sleep disruption. Also, alcohol consumption leads to restless sleep so avoid drinking before bed.

  1. Consider a Supplement

Img source: bustle.com

Melatonin has been shown to improve sleep. Take a melatonin 30-60 minutes before bed. Other supplements, such as lavender, are available as well.

  1. Take a Warm Night Shower

Taking a hot bath before bedtime improves your sleep quality. For the best effect, take a shower or bath 1 to 2 hours before going to sleep.

  1. Choose a Comfortable Bed

Quality of the mattress you sleep on affects the quality of sleep you get. Take your time to find a mattress that suits your personal preferences.