Whenever you go out of the house and you leave your kid behind you are sure to have a guardian it may be a nanny, a grandmother or an aunt so that your kid is safe. Similarly, when you give your kid a digital device you are introducing them to a whole new world called ‘World Wide Web.’
This world has two sides good and bad. The good can be that the child will have access to huge data and information using which they can develop their skills. For instance, if your child is interested in playing the piano he/she can learn by watch piano tutors online or they can take virtual classes from teachers. This way they can do it on their way for free or at a much cheaper cost as compared to academy classes cost.
Meanwhile, the internet has its fair share of bad content and people lurking around looking for a way to grab your child’s attention and manipulate them for instance ‘the blue whale game’. What seemed like a harmless game for kids to do simple dares, ended up making hundreds of children commit suicide?
So it is essential that whenever they are exposed to the internet they have a guardian. Now you can’t monitor your kids all the time, hence you need a virtual guardian commonly known as parental apps to help you monitor your child’s activities in the digital world.
There are various apps like FamiSafe which are designed keeping in mind the parent’s worries about their kids having access to the internet and digital devices. They are also designed keeping in mind parent’s capabilities and are easy to use.
Here are 6 reasons that will help you understand why you need a virtual guardian for your kids.
1. Control in your absence
Digital devices are small and kids can hide it easily. They can use them in your absence to explore things you have put restrictions upon. These devices will help you control what your kid can access in your presence and absence. If they see content that is not meant for them it can severely damage their perspective to things. As they are not ready to deal with the emotions they would be faced with. Hence parental apps are essential to control a child’s digital activity in your absence.
2. Help you exercise screen-time restrictions
Screens are addictive even for adults and more attractive to children. They can spend hours on it and ignore other things that need to be done like chores and homework. So children must have a balance on the time they spend on screen and in real life. The parental control app will help you place restrictions on the time in which your child can use the internet and in time they have to do other activities.
3. Stop Cyberbullying
Before the advent of social media, bullying used to be in a school where teachers and administration put a stop to it. But with social media came cyberbullying which is undetectable and the children are heavily affected by it. There have been cases in which students have committed suicide or gone into severe depression owing to cyberbullying. Hence you must keep a monitory check on your child’s social media apps so that you can stop things before they go out of hand.
4. Prevent online game addiction
Online games are designed in such a way that the person playing them is pulled back to the screen again and again. Sometimes people get so engrossed that they start living a virtual life but you don’t want your child to be addicted. Hence the parental control apps help you monitor that addiction and put a stop to it when it gets too severe.
In this time, you can’t stop your kid from getting access to the digital world due to your fears. As there are dangers to the internet there are also benefits like children can learn a lot of new things and get access to research material. So instead of them gaining access internet from unknown sources without anyone watching over them. It is best to give them access with a virtual guardian watching over them